Argonne National Laboratory


U.S. Department of Energy

Argonne Administration

Argonne National Laboratory is operated by UChicago Argonne, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science. Argonne is managed and operated at various levels by a number of key groups.

Two senior University of Chicago officers, the Vice President for Research and for Argonne National Laboratory and the Deputy Provost for Research, are responsible for central administrative support for sponsored research at the university. This includes coordination and scientific oversight of Argonne. With their staffs, these two university officers

  • ensure that the faculty are supported from the initial proposal development through award management;
  • foster interdisciplinary, inter-divisional and inter-institutional collaborations;
  • allocate seed and matching funds;
  • oversee the university's research infrastructure;
  • ensure the responsible conduct of research; and
  • help University researchers effectively disseminate knowledge through both publication and technology transfer.

Board of Governors — The UChicago Argonne, LLC Board of Governors for Argonne National Laboratory oversees and guides Argonne management. Members of the board are chosen from faculty, administrators and trustees of the University of Chicago, from other universities and organizations and from industry. The director of Argonne is an ex-officio member of the board.

Directorate — The Argonne Directorate consists of Argonne's most senior managers. They are

  • Robert Rosner, Laboratory Director
  • Steve Richardson, Deputy Director for Operations/Chief Operations Officer
  • Eric Isaacs, Deputy Laboratory Director for Science Programs

Associate Laboratory Directors — Associate laboratory directors report directly to the Argonne Directorate. Each associate laboratory director manages a number of research divisions. Argonne's Associate Laboratory Directors are

Planning documents — Argonne produces two complementary planning documents that provide the most comprehensive available overviews of current and planned research at Argonne, along with extensive additional information about the laboratory.

Argonne Organizational Chart

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