Argonne National Laboratory

Science and Technology

U.S. Department of Energy

Science and Technology

An online guide to information about the people, organizations and facilities that carry out Argonne's research and development program in the national interest.

Research Facilities – Links and information about Argonne's six national user facilities and 47 other facilities, all of which are available to qualified researchers from academia, industry and other national research centers.

Research Programs – Links to more than 140 research programs and projects, organized by research area and division.

Research Divisions – Links to Argonne's more than 20 research divisions and centers.

Technical Services — Links to shop work, glass blowing or chemical analysis services, not readily available from private industry, that Argonne provides on a cost-recovery basis.

Argonne Awards – Each year Argonne employees receive hundreds of honors and awards for their contributions to scientific research.

Women in Science and Technology – Argonne 's Women in Science and Technology Program supports the Department of Energy's commitment to recruit, retain and promote women to diversify and strengthen the scientific workforce.

DOE Office of Science – The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science is the nation's single largest supporter of basic physical research, providing more than 40 percent of total funding for this vital area of national importance. Argonne is a DOE Office of Science laboratory, operated by the University of Chicago .


Aerial view of Argonne's Illinois site.

Argonne National Laboratory occupies 1,500 wooded acres in DuPage County, Ill., about 25 miles southwest of Chicago.

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science | UChicago Argonne LLC
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