January 16, 2009
Discovery - Extension - Education

  Through a combination of research, teaching and outreach, students leave with a solid background in any one of four major thrust areas: Genetic Improvement of Economic Crops, Cropping Systems and Plant Nutrition, Environmental Soils and Landscape Processes, and Turf and the Urban Environment.

Graduate Studies


2008 Grad Expo

Advanced study in Agronomy at Purdue University opens doors to a near endless array of stimulating professional opportunities in public and private organizations worldwide. Our M.S. and Ph.D. graduates are leaders who set the scientific and educational agendas at major universities, in government agencies like USDA, DOE, and EPA, and in hundreds of private companies in North America and beyond. Never have challenges to agriculture and the environment been greater. Rarely has the opportunity to impact science and society been more at-hand than at Purdue University. Come and join us in our journey of discovery.

Over seventy-five graduate students are currently enrolled in the four
departmental thrust areas. The four thrust areas are:


Idris Amusan has been selected Borlaug Fellow for 2009.   The Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) of the Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program honors Nobel Laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug who has been hailed as the father of the Green Revolution.  Credited with saving millions of lives, his work virtually eliminated recurring famines in South Asia and helped global food production outpace population growth.  Idris is one of only a few outstanding graduate students at U.S. universities who are being recognized for their research, academic record, and their strong promise as a leader in the field of agriculture with the potential to make an impact in sub-Saharan Africa and to honor Dr. Borlaug’s achievements.