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Powertrain Test Cell

A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) has both an electric motor and a fuel-using device, such as a small gasoline engine. The two power sources can work together in different ways to propel the vehicle. The trick is to find a configuration for optimal fuel efficiency, driving range, and emissions control. HEV components are being made by independent manufacturers. While they may work well when tested individually, they may perform differently when integrated into a full powertrain system.

Powertrain Test Cell
Powertrain Test Cell

The powertrain test cell at the Advanced Powertrain Research Facility (APRF) allows researchers to test HEV vehicles and components to provide configurations without building and then tearing apart an entire vehicle each time a component is changed. The facility is completely modular, so parts can be interchanged quickly, for rapid, standardized assessment. Components can be benchmarked individually or as part of a system.

The powertrain test cell is based on a 190-hp motoring dynamometer, which is controlled by an Argonne-designed computer system called PSAT-PRO that simulates the behavior of a vehicle under various driving conditions. The dynamometer maps the energy flows through the individual components and through the system as a whole. It can also add power to the system, for example, to simulate regenerative braking. Emissions testing is also part of the facility.

Researchers at the Powertrain Test Cell
Researchers Running a Rapid Prototyping Hard-in-the-Loop Test

The U.S. Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Program uses this facility to generate data for verifying HEV modeling programs and to test prototype components and energy storage devices being developed by DOE research partners. Completed research projects include investigating advanced direct-injection diesel engines, in a "full" hybrid configuration.

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Don Hillebrand

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
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