CTA Publications

These publications are in alphabetical order by lead author. If you need additional assistance, please contact Sheila Moore at: (865) 946-1349 or E-Mail: mooresa@ornl.gov

 Das, S, J Peretz and BE Tonn. Evaluation of the Benefits Attributable to Automotive Lighweight Materials Program Research and Development Projects, Report No. ORNL/TM-2001/237 .

 Davis, SC. Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 21, Report No. ORNL-6966 . To visit the Transportation Energy Data Book website, click here.

 Gambrell, KP, GJ Capps and KJ Johnson. Demonstration Project 111, ITS/CVO Technology Truck, Final Project Report, Report No. ORNL/TM-2001/277 .

 Greene, DL. TAFV Alternative Fuels and Vehicles Choice Model Documentation, Report No. ORNL/TM-2001/134 .

 Hu, PS. 1995 NPTS Databook, Report No. ORNL/TM-2001/248 .

 Hu, PS, RT Goeltz and RL Schmoyer. Proof of Concept of ITS as An Alternative Data Resource: A Demonstration Project of Florida and New York Data, Report No. ORNL/TM-2001/247 .

 Jones, D.W., Hu, P., Reuscher, T., Schmoyer, R., Truett, T., 2001. "Elder Driver Fatalities in the United States to 2025," Traffic Safety on Three Continents, An International Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 09/18/2000-09/20/2000. Report No. P01-109926 .

 Knee, HE and DJ Gorsich. "The U.S. Army's Vehicle Intelligence Program (AVIP): The Future of Manned, Wheeled Tactical Vehicles," 2001 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, National Institute of Informatics, 05/13/2001, Report No. P01-110764 .

 Schexnayder, SM, S Das, R Dhingra, JF Overly, BE Tonn, JH Peretz, G Waidley, GA Davis. Environmental Evaluation of New Generation Vehicles and Vehicle Components, Report No. ORNL/TM-2001/266 .

 Schmoyer, RL and BF Lyon. Prediction of External Corrosion for Steel Cylinders 2001 Report, Report No. ORNL/TM-2001/164 .

 Stevens, SS, SM Chin, KA Hake, H Hwang, JP Rollow, LF Truett, Truck Roll Stability Data Collection and Analysis, Report No. ORNL/TM-2001/116 .

 Xiong, D. "Optimization-based Method for Automated Road Network Extraction," International Conference of Urban Geoinformatics, Wuhan, China, 10/16/2001-10/19/2001, Report No. P01-111901 .

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