Choosing a Lab
Financial Info
Key Dates
How to Apply

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Pre-Service Teacher

dollar signFinancial Information

Housing allowances, transportation, and stipends are offered to participants at all the laboratories.

  • The stipend is $400.00 per week.
  • Round trip costs to the lab are provided for students who live more than 50 miles from the lab (some restrictions apply).
  • Details regarding housing vary from lab to lab. A housing allowance is available for interns at labs that do not provide housing arrangements. Information regarding housing will be provided to accepted interns prior to arriving at the lab.
  • No tuition or fees are paid to your university.

carTransportation Reimbursement

Transportation expenses are reimbursed for one round trip between your home or academic institution (wherever you are located immediately prior to the start of your appointment and wherever you go immediately following your appointment) and the facility. Depending on the laboratory policy, travel will usually be paid only for students whose permanent address is more than fifty miles away from the lab. Transportation expenses will be reimbursed on the basis of the most direct route. Travel by a private automobile will be reimbursed at the current government rate up to a maximum of $350.00 or the cost of the lowest commercial airfare, whichever is lower. Travel by air will be reimbursed at the cost of the lowest commercial airfare.