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  • Holistic Management® in the News- Recent Articles, Broadcasts, and Podcasts about Holistic Management in practice around the world:

    Marketwire on-line Journal, June 2008
    "Our Defining Moment" on Climate Change: Pay Attention to Soil Health

    Business Wire, April 2008: “Re-populating Rural America: Blessing or Curse?”

    Reuters on-line Journal, January 2008
    Holistic Management International Awarded USAID Funding to Address Drought Disaster

    Albuquerque Tribune Commentary, November 2007
    Using Goats in Wild Lands, Urban Areas will Aid Environment, Reduce Wildfire Risk

    EON, November 2007
    Holistic Management International Says Goats Help Prevent Fire

    Desert Journal, November 2007
    How Many Times Must we watch the West Burn?

    New Mexico Business Weekly, November 2007
    Chew on This: Four-Legged Firefighters

    Highlights for the International Gathering 2007

    Kate Manchester's Kitchen Sync Podcast, October 2007
    Healthy Land: Sustainable Future

    Drovers on-line Journal, October 2007
    Livestock's Long Shadow?

    New Mexico Business Weekly, October 2007
    Planting Seeds: Group works to enrich soil, grass

    New West Unfiltered, August 2007:
    Holistic Management International COO Peter Holter Reacts to Recent News Reports about Rising Prices

    Albuquerque Tribune Commentary, August 2007
    Grazing the grasslands could help the environment, economy

    HMI makes it big in Times Square- again!

    Another Times Square announcement, featuring our Carbon Calculator.


    All Things Considered, August 2007
    Radio Commentary: Rising Prices for Corn and Corn Products (MP3)

    podcast_iconAll Things Considered, KUNM FM, Albuquerque.
    Commentary by Peter Holter: "...the news stories did not pose or answer questions about why livestock are consuming corn-based feed in the first place..." (This is a single audio file and will not subscribe you to an ongoing podcast.)
    Click here to listen to the MP3
    | Click here for a text PDF of this radio commentary


    GreenMoney Journal, Summer 2007
    Moving the World towards Sustainability

    by Allan Savory and Christoper Peck


    Colorado College News and Events, March 2007
    Allan Savory Speaks at Colorado College (MP3)


    PRWeb Interview, January 2007
    Organic Food Producers face challenges going "mass market" (MP3)

    podcast_icon(originally broadcast Tuesday, Jan 2 2007, on PRWeb) Interview with Peter Holter, Chief Operating Officer, Holistic Management® International. (This is a single audio file and will not subscribe you to an ongoing podcast) Click here to listen to the MP3


    Albuquerque Tribune, January 2007
    Alternative Fuels: Animals are the Key

    Albuquerque Tribune Article by Peter Holter: Holistic Energy: If we turn to grasslands, we must also turn to animals.


    Durango Herald, November 2006
    Finding Common Ground with Maasai Ranchers (PDF)

    Durango Herald Article about CE Craig Leggett's work with Maasai Ranchers


    Stockman Grassfarmer, June 2006
    Fight global warming by increasing organic matter in the soil (PDF)

    We can begin counteracting the effects of global warming if farmers and ranchers build up the organic content of their farmlands, says Texas agricultural consultant Malcolm Beck. (PDF)

    Flood and drought: two sides of the same coin? (PDF)

    Shannon Horst, executive director of Holistic Management International: “It’s the result of how we’ve built our cities and managed our water and our land. We can improve land health to survive drought and prevent flooding. (PDF)



    Public Affairs Friday, December 15, 2006, KUNM-FM/ 8am-8:30am– Sunny Moyo with of the Africa Centre for Holistic Management® – encouraging news from Africa: improving food and livestock production, restoration of communal lands, and watershed rejuvenation. With host Ron Chapman.


    Morning Edition and All Things Considered Friday, December 1, 2006, KUNM-FM/ – Peter Holter: Commentary on Holistic Management®’s positive impact on Organic Food – a response to Business Week Magazine.


    SmallBiz America with David Wolf (Syndicated) Saturday, November 11, 2006, 10 a.m., 1350-AM. Actual segment: 10:12-10:30 a.m.


    All Things Considered Friday, September 29, 2006, KUNM / NPR
    Commentary on drought and flooding by Peter Holter.


    Conscious Talk Radio Friday, September 15, 2006 8:30
    Seattle-based syndicated series dealing with issues of human dimensions, decision making, and sustainability.


    Women’s Focus Show Saturday, September 9, 2006 Noon, KUNM-FM: with Carol Boss.


    KSFR-FM / Santa Fe Tuesday, August 22, 2006, 4 p.m
    “Journey Home: Sustainability Tuesday” with Diego Mulligan.



    Holistic Management® International has launched an aggressive effort to let the world know more about HM practices, and to establish HMI as a recognized leader in the realm of improving land health.

    We have forged relationships with PR Newswire, and are distributing relevant news stories to 4200 media points, and news outlets in 135 countries. We have also signed on with PRWebDirect, which gives us access to the on-line YAHOO! News system, as well as a network of journalists who opt-in for information on the environment.

    A regular stream of commentary, op-ed, and media updates will be released through these channels, as well as to local and regional news sources in New Mexico and throughout the Rocky Mountain region.


    Please bookmark this page and visit again for updates and events.


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