Holistic Management® Certified Educator
Calendar of Events

Holistic Management® Distance Learning

Register Anytime
Contact: hminfo@wholenewconcepts.com

Join our distance learning program and put Holistic Management® into practice immediately. You may register at anytime and enjoy learning at your own pace. We offer an Introduction to Holistic Management, Holistic Management Grazing Planning and Holistic Management Financial Planning. Courses include individual telephone sessions with your instructor, workbooks and other materials with follow up. Offered by Cindy Dvergsten, Holistic Management Certified Educator with over 15 years experience in teaching and practicing Holistic Management. For details visit www.wholenewconcepts.com or call 970-882-4222.

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Strategy vs. System: Grazing for Desired Outcomes

December 2-4, 2008
Fort Collins, Colorado
Contact: Tim Steffens, (719) 523-6251, ext. 3

The Colorado Section of the Society for Range Management will host its 2008 Annual meeting, Strategy vs. System: Grazing for Desired Outcomes, this December in Fort Collins, Colorado. The program agenda will include sessions addressing Plant / Animal Interaction on Landscapes; Animal Selectivity-Implications for Management and Research Design; Managing Grazing for Desired Ecological Outcomes; and Intensive Grazing Management: A Key to Profits. To register and pay by credit card online, click here.


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Introduction to Holistic Management

January 5-6, 2009
Bloomfield, Nebraska
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

Learn about Holistic Management decision-making, write your own holisticgoal, and gain an introduction to testing decisions against your goal.


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Holistic Management Financial Planning

January 7-8, 2009
Bloomfield, Nebraska
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

An introduction to the Financial Planning process with Certified Educator Terry Gompert.


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Healthy Pasture, Healthy Animals

January 23, 2009
Monterey, California
Contact: info@eco-farm.org

With all the talk in recent years about whether and how much pasture to require for organic animals, we have somewhat lost sight of how to get the maximum value for pasture by using controlled grazing techniques and other strategies to improve the health of pastures. Join a Ward Burroughs of Full Circle Dairy, who is a Central Valley organic dairyman; coastal grassfed beef producer Joe Morris of Morris Grassfed Beef; and Rob Rutherford, a Holistic Management instructor who runs the 130 ewe Cal-Poly sheep unit; to get the details on how pasturing animals can nourish the land, recycle nutrients, reduce erosion and create healthier animals. For more information on the 2009 Ecological Farming Conference, please click here.


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Introduction to Holistic Management, Financial Planning, and Grazing Planning

January 23 - 26, 2009; February 3 - 6, 2009
Twin Butte, Alberta
Contact: Ann Stevick - 403-627-4733

Join Holistic Management Certified Instructor Don Campbell as he instructs you on how to get animals to the right place at the right time, for the right reasons, while learning to practice innovative techniques to both maximize stocking rates and improve land health and productivity. You'll also learn how to plan and produce a profit, what to spend money on and when, and discover how to meet your financial goals effectively.


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Grazing Planning: Increasing Pasture & Animal Productivity

January 29-30, 2009
Uralla, New South Wales
Contact: hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au

Under the guidance of Holistic Management Certified Educators, learn how to get animals to the right place at the right time for the right reasons, practice innovative techniques to simultaneously maximize stocking rate and improve land health and productivity, understand how to use livestock to improve the health of your land and increase profit and how to coordinate the tools of rest, grazing, and animal impact to grow more pasture, learn how to maximize the harvest of sunlight by managing stocking rate, time, stock density and herd effect and how to make the best plan for the season ahead, and discover how to meet your grazing and pasture production challenges effectively. Register your interest by emailing hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au or phone on 6779 2286 or 0424 225 397.


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Financial Planning: Making a Healthy Profit and Land Planning: Designing the Ideal Property Plan

January 29-30, 2009
Uralla, New South Wales
Contact: hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au

Under the guidance of Holistic Management Certified Educators, learn how to plan for and produce a profit, how to determine what enterprises to run, and what to spend money on and when; discover how to meet your financial challenges effectively, including how to coordinate the build up of both livestock and infrastructure while remaining profitable; design infrastructure to control animal movement across the land and manage the role of time in grazing and trampling, and design an ideal land plan; understand how land planning (along with financial and grazing planning) advances all three parts of your holisticgoal. Register your interest by emailing hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au or phone on 6779 2286 or 0424 225 397.


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Introduction to Holistic Management: Principles for Success

February 2, 2009
New England, New South Wales
Contact: hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au

Under the guidance of Holistic Management Certified Educators, learn how to create your holisticgoal and make decisions towards achieving it, gain key insights to help you work with nature and learn how to view environments in a whole new way, understand how to address key environmental issues effectively, and discover what Holistic Management adds to your current management methods. Register your interest by emailing hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au or phone on 6779 2286 or 0424 225 397.


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Introduction to Holistic Management: Principles for Success

February 2, 2009
South Western, Western Australia
Contact: hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au

Under the guidance of Holistic Management Certified Educators, learn how to create your holisticgoal and make decisions towards achieving it, gain key insights to help you work with nature and learn how to view environments in a whole new way, understand how to address key environmental issues effectively, and discover what Holistic Management adds to your current management methods. Register your interest by emailing hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au or phone on 6779 2286 or 0424 225 397.


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Introduction to Holistic Management: Principles for Success

February 2, 2009
Southern Tablelands, New South Wales
Contact: hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au

Under the guidance of Holistic Management Certified Educators, learn how to create your holisticgoal and make decisions towards achieving it, gain key insights to help you work with nature and learn how to view environments in a whole new way, understand how to address key environmental issues effectively, and discover what Holistic Management adds to your current management methods. Register your interest by emailing hmia@holisticmanagement.org.au or phone on 6779 2286 or 0424 225 397.


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Introduction to Holistic Management

February 2-4, 2009
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Contact: Kirk Gadzia 505-867-4685

In this course, Certified Educator Kirk Gadzia explains how to use the Holistic Management® model to achieve your goals, how to understand and manage when the ecosystem is stressed, and introduces the tools available to influence your financial, land and people resources. The course gives you the specific techniques you need to help you significantly improve your ability to make better decisions in your business.


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Holistic Management Financial Planning

February 3-5, 2009
Brussels, South Africa
Contact: Dick Richardson dickson@wam.co.za

Certified Educator Dick Richardson will demonstrate how to achieve a triple bottom line financially, environmentally and socially; increase production; reduce operating expenses; and plan a true profit and achieve genuine prosperity.


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Advanced Holistic Management Training

February 5-7, 2009
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Contact: Kirk Gadzia 505-867-4685

In this course, Certified Educator Kirk Gadzia builds on the material introduced in the Introduction class (prior attendance at the intro class is required for enrollment in this session). Over three days, participants work through case studies detailing financial, grazing and land planning; work on developing plans for their own enterprises; and reinforce the concepts taught in the introduction class.


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Making Better Decisions

February 6-8, 27-28, & March 1, 2009
Morrisburg, Eastern Ontario
Contact: Tony & Fran McQuail 519-528-2493

Learn how to harmonize environmental, social, and financial goals into a single holisticgoal and make progress towards it. For all types of farm operations. For course brochure contact us at mcqufarm@hurontel.on.ca.


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Creating a Sustainable Future for Agriculture in the Pacific Northwest

February 10-12, 2009
Richland, Washington
Contact: Doug Warnock 509-525-3389 or dwarnock@charter.net

Managing Change Northwest (MCN) invites you to its conference, “Creating a Sustainable Future for Agriculture in the Pacific Northwest,” in February 2009.

MCN is a team of certified Holistic Management educators in Washington State who serve the Pacific Northwest, helping people on their journey toward resource sustainability.


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Holistic Management Practitioner Training in Europe

February 27 - March 6, 2009
Lanjarón, Spain
Contact: aspen@holisticdecisions.com

This is the only location in Europe that offers practitioner training in the complete Holistic Management framework in a convenient one-week residential program. Topics include Holistic Management's key environmental insights, managing for triple-bottom-line sustainability, Holistic Management Financial Planning and whole project planning. The seminar content is supported by a CD of comprehensive information and there is also the opportunity to see this all at work on a l2 hectare family farm.


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Introduction to Holistic Management

March 4-5, 2009
Abilene, Texas
Contact: Jeanie Dreinhofer 325-348-3014 or jeanie@hmitexas.org

Holistic Management Certified Educator Terry Gompert facilitates a two-day Introduction to Holistic Management . Learn how you can create healthy land and healthy profits, using the Holistic Management Framework for Decision Making.


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International Gathering 2009: Passing on the Legacy

March 5-7, 2009
Abilene, Texas
Contact: Jeanie Dreinhofer 325-348-3014 or jeanie@hmitexas.org

Help Holistic Management International celebrate 25 years! Learn about keyline, planned grazing, carbon sequestration, holistic policy analysis and design, estate planning, financial planning, and more! Featured speakers include Allan Savory, Jody Butterfield, Peter Holter, Elmer Kelton, Zach Jones, Tom German, Abe Collins, Terry Gompert, Betsy Ross, Amy Hardberger, and Joel Benson. Reserve your space early! Click here to register now.


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Holistic Management Financial Planning

March 8-9, 2009
Abilene, Texas
Contact: Jeanie Dreinhofer 325-348-3014 or jeanie@hmitexas.org

Holistic Management Certified Educator Terry Gompert facilitates a two-day introduction to Holistic Management Financial Planning. Learn how you can create profit while improving the health of the land and your quality of life.


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Holistic Management Grazing Planning: Assessing and Managing Your Natural Capital

March 13-15, 2009
Harlowton, MT
Contact: Zachary Jones and Shannon Agee-Jones 406-632-4496 or thesprout@twodotll.com

Join practioners Zachary Jones and Shannon Agee-Jones for a practical, educational resource management workshop that will allow you to discover, develop, and fine-tune grazing planning skills, with topics such as over-grazing dynamics, landscaping goals, the benefits of combining herds, and time management just a few of the topics covered.


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Introduction to Holistic Management:Enhancing Human Capacity

March 24-26, 2009
Brussels, South Africa
Contact: Dick Richardson dickson@wam.co.za

Certified Educator Dick Richardson will explain the way to make better management decisions and respond to change through reduced risk with good decision making and sound planning; find direction and balance everyday with quality of life; and have a positive impact on the environment and increase biodiversity for sustainability.


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Veld (Pasture) Management

May 4-7, 2009
Brussels, South Africa
Contact: Dick Richardson dickson@wam.co.za

Certified Educator Dick Richardson will teach students how to produce more veld of better quality with high animal performance, reduce drought risk, and improve the effectiveness of rainfall.


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Holistic Grazing Planning

July 6-7, 2009
Wawota, Saskatchewan
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

This two-day program, taught by Holistic Management Certified Educator Terry GOmpert, is an introduction to Holistic Management Grazing Planning. Learn how you can improve land and animal health through better grazing planning, Many of our alumni have doubled their stocking rate and some have quadrupled it!


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Holistic Management Biological Monitoring

July 8-9, 2009
Wawota, Saskatchewan
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

Learn all aspects of Holistic Biological monitoring from Holistic Management Certified Educator Terry Gompert. Instruction will include learning simple techniques that will reduce your stress--you will easily see if your land management is improving the health of the land, and how you can quantify land improvement.


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Mob Grazing Seminar

July 10, 2009
Wawota, Saskatchewan
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

Certified Educator Terry Gompert will address Mob Grazing--the curret hot topic among progressive grass farmers looking for the path to profitable ranching operations. Many of those still on the leading edge of grassfed operations realize they are farming grass as much as livestock, and that those higher stock densities are evolving to ultra high stock density as graziers discover the benefits of up to 500,000 pounds of cattle per acre!


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Dennis Ranch Tour

July 11, 2009
Wawota, Saskatchewan
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

Certified Educator Terry Gompert will share his knowledge of the land, on the land. The tour will include a review of the ranch facilities and pasture walk. Terry and ranch owner Neil Dennis will share their understanding of the land health, pointing out indicators and offering observations.


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Holisticgoal Training

July 13, 2009
Wawota, Saskatchewan
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

Certified Educator Terry Gompert walks through the steps to create your own personal Holisticgoal and models how to test decisions toward it. Learn how to make decisions that account for the quality of life and ranch profitability you desire!


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Holistic Management Practitioner Training in Europe

August 14-21, 2009
Lanjarón, Spain
Contact: aspen@holisticdecisions.com

This is the only location in Europe that offers practitioner training in the complete Holistic Management framework in a convenient one-week residential program. Topics include Holistic Management's key environmental insights, managing for triple-bottom-line sustainability, Holistic Management Financial Planning and whole project planning. The seminar content is supported by a CD of comprehensive information and there is also the opportunity to see this all at work on a l2 hectare family farm.


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Holistic Grazing Planning

August 17-18, 2009
Newport, Nebraska
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

This two-day program, taught by Holistic Management Certified Educator Terry GOmpert, is an introduction to Holistic Management Grazing Planning. Learn how you can improve land and animal health through better grazing planning, Many of our alumni have doubled their stocking rate and some have quadrupled it!


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Holistic Management Biological Monitoring

August 19-20, 2009
Newport, Nebraska
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

Learn all aspects of Holistic Biological monitoring from Holistic Management Certified Educator Terry Gompert. Instruction will include learning simple techniques that will reduce your stress--you will easily see if your land management is improving the health of the land, and how you can quantify land improvement.


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Mob Grazing Seminar

August 21, 2009
Newport, Nebraska
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

Certified Educator Terry Gompert will address Mob Grazing--the curret hot topic among progressive grass farmers looking for the path to profitable ranching operations. Many of those still on the leading edge of grassfed operations realize they are farming grass as much as livestock, and that those higher stock densities are evolving to ultra high stock density as graziers discover the benefits of up to 500,000 pounds of cattle per acre!


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Peterson Ranch Tour

August 22, 2009
Newport, Nebraska
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

Certified Educator Terry Gompert will share his knowledge of the land, on the land. The tour will include a review of the ranch facilities and pasture walk. Terry and ranch owner Chad Peterson will share their understanding of the land health, pointing out indicators and offering observations.


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Holisticgoal Training

August 24, 2009
Newport, Nebraska
Contact: Knox County Extension knox-county@unl.edu

Certified Educator Terry Gompert walks through the steps to create your own personal Holisticgoal and models how to test decisions toward it. Learn how to make decisions that account for the quality of life and ranch profitability you desire!


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Introductory Courses

Certified Educator Training Programs

Certified Educator Listings

Testimonials from Certified Educators


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