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     The Center for Transportation Analysis (CTA) conducts research in support of enhancing the performance of surface transportation systems. The staff has considerable experience in modeling traffic networks, analyzing and interpreting associated results, and in predicting future traffic network situations. Advanced traffic management research, new low-cost traffic management assessment technologies, and temporary loss-of-capacity have also been core themes of the CTA. Recently, emphasis has been placed on incident management, work zone safety/management, and enhancing the efficiency of commercial vehicle operations (primarily through integration of new technologies for enhancement of heavy vehicle inspection processes). Because measures to enhance surface transportation security (STS) will strongly affect surface transportation operations, STS is a new thrust area for CTA.

Operations - Research Staff
Primary Contact: Bill Knee
Shih-Miao Chin
Randy Curlee
Oscar Franzese
Steve Gordon
Glen Harrison

Rekha Pillai





Selected Presentations:

      Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System (OREMS) (PDF)

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