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ORNL Waterways Program A New Generation of Models and Assessment Tools

  The Ohio River Navigation Investment Model

» Models
  ORNIM is is linked with the Corps' Navigation Predictive Analysis Technique (NAVPAT) Model

The Maritime Input--Output Model (MIO)

» Studies
  ORNL waterways navigation studies

» Modeling Tutorial
  Inland Navigation Investment Modeling 101

» Links
  Links of interest
Welcome to ORNL's Waterways Program (OWP)

The Center for Transportation Analysis (CTA) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for almost a decade to develop a new generation of navigation investment models and assessment tools. These models and tools are used by analysts within the Corps to conduct studies of the economic feasibility of measures to improve our nation's inland navigation system. In some cases, ORNL staff members work directly with Corps analysts on specific economic feasibility studies.



Presentation: Navigation Investment Modeling: Forest and Trees Icon: PowerPoint (12 MB)
To be presented by Dr. Randy Curlee at the Inland Waterways Navigational Conference, March 17th 2005, Nashville, Tennessee.

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Updated 3/1/05