Vida Goldstein

2008 Distinguished Educator Awardee

Fermilab is the best there is. It's a great place for kids to experience nature and a great place for teachers to go for professional development. It's wonderful having it right on my doorstep.

Hundreds of cicada chrysalises massed on a cabinet, microscopes waiting for inquisitive eyes: Vida GoldsteinÕs classroom stimulates young imaginations and calls them to the fascination of science.

"Dr. G," as her students call her, has been teaching middle school science for seven years at St. Mary's School in West Chicago, emphasizing problem-based learning and striving to help students connect science to everyday life.

Every year her students take a trip to Fermilab to study the prairie, and many years her students come for the Beauty and Charm program as well. Says Goldstein, "Fermilab is the best there is. It's a great place for kids to experience nature and a great place for teachers to go for professional development. It's wonderful having it right on my doorstep."

Goldstein especially values prairie fi eld trips because they allow students who have only experienced natural places at a distance to get in close and overcome fears they may have. She tells of one student who feared touching a tadpole. A little while later, the girl came running up excitedly with a tadpole she had caught herself cupped in her hands.

Beauty and Charm field trips give Goldstein a chance to teach students about the importance of science and basic research to society. She knows they wonÕt remember all the facts or understand all the details they hear, but she believes it is important for them to see people doing science in real life.

Goldstein received the award for "Her exceptional contributions to science education through her participation in Beauty and Charm and Particles and Prairies. Students are active learners in Vida's class. She values the importance of students exploring, discovering, and determining explanations on their own."

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