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InsideThe Museum
About the Museum
Mission Statement
Strategic Plan for the Second Decade (PDF)
United States Holocaust Memorial Council
Executive Bios
Frequently Asked Questions


(as of December 12, 2008)

Fred S. Zeidman, Chairman, Houston, TX
Joel M. Geiderman, Vice Chairman, Los Angeles, CA
Sara J. Bloomfield, Director, Washington, DC

Debra Abrams, Boca Raton, FL
James M. Abroms, Birmingham, AL
Miriam O. Adelson, Las Vegas, NV
Ivan E. Becker, Princeton, NJ
Dottie Bennett, Falls Church, VA
Frank R. Berman, Minneapolis, MN
Tom A. Bernstein, New York, NY
Bruce L. Bialosky, Los Angeles, CA
Norman R. Bobins, Chicago, IL
Joseph M. Brodecki, Potomac, MD
Marek J. Chodakiewicz, Washington, DC
Carol B. Cohen, Highland Park, IL
William J. Danhof, Lansing, MI
Michael D. Epstein, Rockville, MD
Donald Etra, Los Angeles, CA
Itchko Ezratti, Sunrise, FL
David M. Flaum, Rochester, NY
Marilyn R. Fox, Clayton, MO
Michael J. Gerson, Washington, DC
JoAnne T. Ginsberg, Washington, DC
Constance B. Girard-diCarlo, Philadelphia, PA
Zvi Y. Gitelman, Ann Arbor, MI
Marc S. Goldman, Hoboken, NJ
Arlene Herson, Boca Raton, FL
Andrew S. Hochberg, Northbrook, IL
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, New York, NY
Ezra Katz, Coconut Grove, FL
Edward I. Koch, New York, NY
Howard Konar, New York, NY
Douglas R. Korn, Greenwich, CT
M. Ronald Krongold, Miami, FL
Michael I. Lebovitz, Chattanooga, TN
Elena N. Lefkowitz, New York, NY
Norma Lerner, Hunting Valley, OH
William S. Levine, Phoenix, AZ
Steven M. Levy, New York, NY
Hadassah F. Lieberman, New Haven, CT
Marcia P. McCraw, Seattle, WA
Kenneth B. Mehlman, Washington, DC
Michael A. Morris, Atlanta, GA
Dennis Prager, Glendale, CA
Pierre-Richard Prosper, Salt Lake City, UT
Alan N. Rechtschaffen, New York, NY
Jack Rosen, New York, NY
J. Philip Rosen, New York, NY
Florence Shapiro, Plano, TX
Jay Stein, Jacksonville, FL
William F. Weld, New York, NY
Elie Wiesel, Boston, MA
Jeffrey S. Wilpon, New York, NY
Bradley D. Wine, Washington, DC
Judith Yudof, Austin, TX

U.S. House of Representatives

Christopher B. Cannon, Utah
Eric I. Cantor, Virginia
Steven C. LaTourette, Ohio
Henry A. Waxman, California

U.S. Senate

Norm Coleman, Minnesota
Russell D. Feingold, Wisconsin
Orrin G. Hatch, Utah
Frank R. Lautenberg, New Jersey
Bernard Sanders, Vermont

Ex Officio Members

U.S. Department of State
J. Christian Kennedy

U.S. Department of Education
Philip H. Rosenfelt

U.S. Department of the Interior
Jane M. Lyder

General Counsel
Gerard Leval

Secretary of the Council
Jane Miller

Former Chairs

Irving Greenberg 2000-2002
*Miles Lerman 1993-2000
Harvey M. Meyerhoff 1987-1993
Elie Wiesel 1980-1986

Former Vice Chairs

Ruth B. Mandel 1993-2005
William J. Lowenberg 1986-1993
Mark E. Talisman 1980-1986

* Deceased