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Study Abroad Opportunities Print E-mail

The Office of International Affairs administers over 100 study abroad programs in more than 40 different countries. These programs give students an opportunity to become involved in cross-cultural interaction and enjoy a rewarding educational experience in fields from language studies to agriculture, engineering to business, and many more.

A variety of options is available to support and augment students' progress in their curriculum. There are short-term study programs in conjunction with an academic course to longer experiences such as quarter- to year-long stays in an international environment. Study Abroad coordinators and faculty resident directors help students learn about what programs are available in Asia, Australia, the Middle East, South America, Europe, and Africa; how to earn college credit; how to affordably finance their study abroad program; and what to expect when they arrive in another country and when they return home to Ohio State.

Programs are available at the university, college, and departmental levels. The newly revamped departmental program is England - Horticulture and Turfgrass Science. The program will be divided into a Landscape Horticulture track and a Turf track. Examples of gardens landscapes, sport fields, and golf courses in England will be used to demonstrate specific themes and approaches to constructed landscape manipulation. The experience in England focuses on site visits and analysis to develop an appreciation for the design elements, historical influences, and horticultural & turf management practices that make specific places effective and memorable. Participants will be required to develop extensive photo-documentation and thorough interpretation of components of each of the sites examined.

For more information about a longer international experience specializing in Agriculture and Horticulture, consider The Ohio Program, an International Exchange Program of The Ohio State University.

For further information, contact Dr. Bill Randle, Chair, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science,
The Ohio State University, 202 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210.
Phone: 614-292-1809, FAX: 614-292-7162.

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