Computing at SLAC
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Getting Started
For short-term visitors and new users/employees at SLAC
Quick Links: Accounts, Forms, Linux, Unix, Windows, Education, More...
Help & Support
How to get help, Contacting administrators/coordinators, Frequently Asked Questions, Documentation
Quick Links: FAQs, Help Request, Computing Outages, LAN Monitoring, Desktop Administrators, Computer Czar, Phone ATOM, More...
Services and Platforms supported by Scientific Computing and Computing Services
Quick Links: Accounts, Email, Backup/Restore, Networking, Printing, Remote Access, Video Conferencing, Outlook Webmail Login, TelAlert, More...
Computing platforms supported at SLAC
Quick Links: Linux, Unix, Windows, More...
Supported and unsupported software at SLAC
Quick Links: XWEB(Software Downloads), AIDA, SSH, CERNLIB, EGS4, EPICS, Geant4, HippoDraw, IEPM, JAS, JAS/Wired, Wired3, More...
Policies & Guidelines
Computing across the SLAC complex is undergoing a significant change process, resulting in much more extensive documentation of policies and procedures, both scientific and administrative. A new repository for this updated documentation has been created at https:\\\sites\cspp\default.aspx.
Please consult this new site to insure that the information you are seeking is accurate and up-to-date. We will be undertaking a website revision project to insure consistency and accuracy in the near future. Thanks for your cooperation and patience.
SLAC's computing and security policies, computing standards committee, and general guidelines
Quick Links: Account Authorization, Network, Telephone, Security, Web Policy, Standards* (SLAC users only), More...
Computing Groups
Computing groups, physics software projects and working groups
Quick Links: SCCS, Babar, FreeHEP, PESG, PPDG, More...

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