NOAA B-Roll || Media Contacts || PDF Version

NOAA Global Earth Observation B-Roll
(Originally listed as "Earth Observation Summit B-Roll")
TRT 9:00

For copies: Video Transfer Inc., (301) 881-0270
For content info: E-mail

Please Credit "NOAA" in Your Chyron

1:00:00:00 Title Graphic

1:00:16:00 Text Roll: Background Information

1:01:32:00 Earth Observation Animation

Examples of technology that will become part of the new global architecture:
1:02:06:00 Satellites: Background text

1:02:15:00 Satellites: GOES fly-bys

1:02:40:00 Satellites: POES fly-bys

1:02:57:00 Satellite imagery: Cloud Cover

1:03:08:00 Satellite imagery: El Niño, La Niña

1:03:31:00 Satellite imagery: Water Vapor

1:04:12:00 TAO/TRITON Array: Background Text

1:04:33:00 TAO/TRITON Array: buoy being deployed from ship

1:04:55:00 TAO/TRITON Array: buoy deployed at sea

1:05:01:00 TAO/TRITON Array: At-sea maintenance

1:05:17:00 PICO Buoys: Background Text

(Acronym = Platform and Instrumentation for Continuous Ocean observations)
1:05:27:00 PICO Buoys: Animation showing deployment from crane

1:06:00:00 PICO Buoys: Video footage of deployment

1:06:13:00 Submersibles: Background Text

1:06:22:00 Submersibles: Deployment of Pisces Submersible
(Hawaii Undersea Research Lab)

1:06:34:00 Submersibles: Phantom Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV); in water

1:06:49:00 Submersibles: Little Herc Remotely Operated Vehicle
(ROV); in water
1:06:59:00 NOAA Ships as Scientific Data Gathering Platforms:

1:07:46:00 Text Roll: Participating Countries

1:08:06:00 Text Roll: Participating Organizations

1:08:48:00 Animated NOAA Logo

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce.
Last Updated: January 5, 2005 4:45 PM