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Illinois Public Museum Grants Program

The Public Museum Capital Grants Program is designed to help public museums in Illinois expand and upgrade facilities and create new exhibitions.

  Application Guidelines -- For Reference Only   

Applications are not being accepted at this time.

The FY04 Application Forms and Guidelines should be used for reference only, and should NOT be used to prepare an application.

The amended Administrative Rule (adopted January 26, 2004) includes significant changes, which have been incorporated into these guidelines. The amendments were needed to conform to the legislation adopted in Spring 2002, which required emergency rules to be filed in order to proceed with the FY03 grant program. Amendments were also needed to address other administrative issues. Significant changes are identified below.

  • The definition of eligible "Capital Expenditure" is described in greater detail. In the past, many eligible museums have included costs in their proposed budget that are not eligible bondable expenditures and cannot be funded with bond funds. The proposed project costs must be eligible capital expenditures. Costs that are and those that are not considered capital expenditures are more clearly defined (see Section 3200.10).
  • o Force Account labor is not an eligible expenditure.
    o Land acquisition is eliminated as an eligible capital expenditure.
    o Projects with a total cost of less than $25,000 are not eligible capital expenditures.
  • Legislation in FY03 authorized a Certification process for museums on private property, with an annual indoor attendance of 150,000 or more, to be certified as eligible for funding through this program. The FY03 appropriation included both Capital Development Bond Funds and Build Illinois Bond Funds. All museums receiving grants in FY03 that were not located on public property were funded through the Build Illinois Bond Fund appropriation.
  • o The funding source for the FY04 Public Museum Capital Grant Program is exclusively Capital Development Bond Funds. The Department of Natural Resources Legal Office consulted with the Office of Management and Budget to review capital bondability guidelines and was advised that Capital Development Bond Funds cannot be used for museums located on private property. Consequently, museums that were eligible only through the Certification process may not submit applications in FY04.
  • Changes to "Eligible Expenses" (Section 3200.70 b) were made because it is sound administrative practice to begin the project after the project agreement/contract is in place. (CERP) issues also need to be resolved before a project is started and before costs are incurred, therefore:
  • o Eligible expenses are those that are pursuant to the scope of work as agreed upon and approved by the Department. Grant funds can only be used for capital expenditure costs incurred after the Project Agreement is executed, except that expenditures incurred after July 1 of the fiscal year in which the grant award is made may be eligible for reimbursement if the public museum received a capital grant in the previous fiscal year and if the proposed project is a continuation of the previous project and was not reimbursed in the previous grant award.
  • Information regarding evidence of long-term lease agreement or long term ownership of the property is now required in order to determine the long-term benefits of investment of state bond funds (Section 3200.60 4). The public museum must demonstrate that it has long-term future occupancy rights for the property.


  • There is a new requirement for a map to accompany the Comprehensive Environmental Review Process (CERP) form.
  • The DNR, Division of Natural Resource and Coordination Review, responsible for the CERP review, is standardizing the requirements for submittal of all projects for review for all of the Department's grant programs. In order to review potential impacts on cultural resources, endangered species and wetlands issues, they are now requiring a National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map identifying the project location. The NWI map helps provide a more timely review through the elimination of accessing wetland databases for the needed information. This map is also needed to review the project location in conjunction with the Illinois Inventory of Archaeological Sites, the National Register of Historic Places district boundaries, and location of sites with information on archaeological forms. We strongly encourage you to order the map as soon as possible to ensure that it will be received in time to submit with your application.

    NWI maps may be purchased from: Center for Governmental Studies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115; Telephone: 815/753-0914. NWI maps may also be available from local and/or regional planning commissions. Allow 5 -10 business days for delivery. A 24-hour rush order can be requested for an additional fee.

    Attach photocopies (5) of a NWI map showing the portion where the project site is located. Clearly delineate and identify the "project site" on the map with a dashed black line. Copies should be no larger than 8½ x11. Do not change the original scale of the map.

    Should you have any questions regarding the NWI map, call Ken Litchfield at 217.785.5500.


    These guidelines are designed to help public museums submit applications for grant assistance. It is essential that you read the guidelines before filling out the application forms. If forms are being reproduced on a word-processing program, do not change the original format. If you have any questions, we encourage you to call the grants office at 217.782.5992.

    MC/DOC-1 Application Form

    1. Enter the public museum name, the address where it is located, and its web site address, if applicable.

    2. Enter the year the public museum was established.

    3. Enter the title of the proposed project.

    4. Enter the county where the public museum is located.

    5. Enter the public museum's Illinois Senate District and the Senator's name. Enter the public museum's Illinois House District and the Representative's name.

    6. Enter the public museum's U.S. Congressional District and the Congressional Representative's name.

    7. Enter the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) belonging to the organization to which the grant funds will be issued. Indicate if the FEIN belongs to the public museum or the fiscal agent.

    8. Fiscal agent information should be entered here only if the fiscal agent organization is not the public museum and if the fiscal agent will receive funds and/or incur costs for the public museum. The CEO named here will be the recipient of all correspondence regarding the grant application (e.g., award and deficiency letters, contracts, workshop notices.)

    9. The public museum information should only be entered here. If the CEO of the public museum is affiliated with the fiscal agent, enter that organization here. If no fiscal agent is involved (Item 8), then the CEO named here will be the recipient of all correspondence regarding the grant application (e.g., award and deficiency letters, contracts, workshop notices.)

    10. Enter information for the contact person for the public museum who will be able to answer questions pertaining to the grant application and who will be available Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    11. Provide a concise description of the project for which grant funds are being requested. Do not include general information about the merits of the project. This information will be addressed in the narrative MC/DOC3. For large-scale projects, the project description should clearly identify the component or components of the overall project for which funding is being requested. If the project is a continuing phase of a project initiated in a previous year, clearly identify only the phase for which funds are being requested.

    12. Provide the name of the unit of local government that either operates or owns the property on which the public museum is located.

    13. Estimated Project Costs. Enter the estimated project costs. Check which level of visitation the public museum has documented for the preceding calendar year. Based on the visitation numbers, enter the amount of matching funds required.

    As a result of legislation passed in spring, 2002, the amount of matching funds required varies by the level of visitation for the preceding calendar year (see administrative rules, section 3200.20). Enter the total grant funds requested, which cannot exceed $800,000.

    14. Status of matching funds, if required. Enter the source of the matching funds. List all matching funds to be provided. Mark (X) if the funds are local or private. Provide the dollar amount that is available or needed.

    15. a. If matching funds are needed, give a brief explanation of how the funds will be secured. Federal and state funds are not eligible to be used as matching funds.

    15. b. Even if matching funds are not required, identify any outside funds committed to the project.

    16. List all grant funds associated with the proposed project. If DNR grants are included, list the Project Number and give a brief status, indicating that the project is either completed or ongoing. If ongoing, specify the projected completion date.

    17. Specify the attendance numbers at the public museum's facility or facilities for the preceding calendar year and explain how it is calculated (electronic, visitor book, fees, etc.) In accordance with the administrative rules, section 3200.20, the public museum must regularly collect attendance data and maintain sufficient records such that the attendance numbers can be audited.

    18. Provide the mission statement of the public museum.

    19. Check whether or not the public museum presents regularly scheduled programs and exhibits that use and interpret objects for the public according to accepted standards. Give a brief description.

    20. Describe the type of collections in the public museum's care.

    21. Provide the name, title, and organization of the staff person or persons responsible for implementation of the project. There must be one paid professional employee, as per administrative rules, section 3200.10.

    22. Indicate the hours and days of week that the public museum is open to the public. If open less than 1,000 hours per year, indicate the total number of hours.

    23. Specify the public museum's operating expenses for the previous year.

    24. Provide documentation of the public museum=s not-for-profit status. (Attachment 1)

    Not-for-profit museums, other than units of local governments, must submit copies of one of the following: IRS Tax Exemption Letter; Annual Report filed with the Secretary of State; or Form 990 filed with the IRS.

    Units of local government, who are acting as fiscal agent for a public museum, must submit a copy of their most current Audited Financial Statement or a letter of verification that the public museum is a part of a unit of local government. The letter should be submitted on the unit of local government's letterhead and signed by the Chief Financial Officer.

    25. Provide the public museum's Annual Report (Attachment 2) from the preceding year. This is the publication provided to its membership or the general public describing the public museum's programs. If no Annual Report is published a current brochure describing the museum and its programs is acceptable. If no brochure is available then a narrative describing the museum and its educational programming may be substituted.

    26. Provide five copies of a Conceptual Development Plan (Attachment 3) for the project and, if applicable, for each project component. If provided as an architectural drawing, should be no larger than 11x17. If no architectural drawing/sketch is available, a detailed description should be provided. If a drawing becomes available at a later date, submit to Illinois State Museum Grants Office as soon as possible.

    27. Provide a timeline of the anticipated construction schedule (Attachment 4).

    28. Provide a brief explanation as to the type of ownership or long-term lease agreement the public museum has for the property where the proposed project will be located.

    a. Indicate the number of years or length of term that the agreement is in effect.

    b. Indicate any causes listed in the agreement that would result in early termination.

    MC/DOC-2 Statement by the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Museum

    This form provides the necessary assurance of compliance with the administrative rules and regulations of this program.

    At least one form with original signatures must be submitted with the application.

    Indicate the date that the Statement is executed.

    The Chief Executive Officer of the public museum must sign this Statement.

    If grant funds will be issued to a fiscal agent, on behalf of the public museum, the fiscal agent Chief Executive Officer should sign the Statement, indicating that there is an ongoing relationship with the public museum and the fiscal agent.

    MC/DOC-3 Project Narrative

    The Narrative should clarify the following:

    1. Provide a clear and concise description of the project, stating its primary objectives.

    If the project is a component of a large-scale project, or if this project is a continuing phase of a project initiated in a previous year, clearly describe the component or components of the overall project for which grant funds will be used.

    2. Describe the public museum's long range capital planning process and the level of planning that has been undertaken for the proposed project.

    3. Describe how the completed project will improve the public museum=s ability to meet its mission and expand audiences, including reaching diverse, under-served groups.

    4. Describe the level of community support for this project and how the project will meet community needs.

    5. Describe the public museum's ability to complete the project successfully, including the availability of adequate financial resources, recognizing that grant funds are distributed on a reimbursement basis.

    6. If the proposed project receives less funding than requested, describe how the project will be successfully completed at the reduced level of funding.

    MC/DOC-4 Development Data

    1. Estimated Project Development Costs

    Itemize major project components in relation to their budget categories. Delineate the project components and their associated cost estimates in sufficient detail to explain how the funds are being expended by category. The cost estimates should not be submitted as one lump sum, such as "General Construction, $200,000" or "Exhibit Construction, $200,000."

    Contingency costs are not eligible capital expenditures and should not be included as a separate line item. Other associated line items could be estimated at levels that allow for contingencies.

    All of the project components listed must meet bondability requirements and be eligible capital expenditures. (See Administrative Rules Section 3200.10 - Capital Expenditures.)

    Provide a total of the estimated costs that will be incurred by the public museum, a total of the estimated costs that will be incurred by the fiscal agent, and provide the combined total estimated project costs.

    The anticipated Construction Method should be identified. Indicate the method of construction that will be used to develop each item on the form by using the following codes: C = Contract; SS = Sole Supplier

    Public museums must comply with applicable state statutes and local ordinances concerning bidding requirements for construction contracts and equipment/material purchases.

    Force account labor is not an eligible capital expenditure.

    Donated labor and/or material are not reimbursable items.

    Operational and administrative expenses are not eligible capital expenditures.

    2. Identify any architectural/engineering firms that will be used in completing the project.

    Cultural Resources, Endangered Species, & Wetlands Review Report (CERP) (Attachment 5)

    This form is used by Illinois DNR to evaluate compliance of the proposed project with three state laws protecting cultural resources, threatened and endangered species, and wetland resources. If historic resources may be impacted, the public museum is encouraged to consult with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, as early in the planning phases as possible. Contact for IDNR is Hal Hassen, 217-524-3759.

    To receive full consideration, the following information must be included with the application:

    Public museum name and address, contact person's name, phone, date of submittal, and the project title as indicated in MC-DOC1.

    Indicate if this is the initial request for funds through DNR for this project or a resubmittal. If a resubmittal, indicate if the project proposal has changed in any way from previous submittal(s).

    Indicate the project location by street address and county.

    Indicate on the form the Township #; Range #; Section # - For example: The Numeric Township will have a number and either an "N" or "S" (39N); the Range will have a number and either "E" or "W" (13E); and Section will be only a number (18).

    There is a new requirement for a map to accompany the Comprehensive Environmental Review Process (CERP) form.

    The DNR, Division of Natural Resource and Coordination Review, responsible for the CERP review, is standardizing the requirements for submittal of all projects for review for all of the Department's grant programs. In order to review potential impacts on cultural resources, endangered species and wetlands issues, they are now requiring a National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map identifying the project location. The NWI map helps provide a more timely review through the elimination of accessing wetland databases for the needed information. This map is also needed to review the project location in conjunction with the Illinois Inventory of Archaeological Sites, the National Register of Historic Places district boundaries, and location of sites with information on archaeological forms. We strongly encourage you to order the map as soon as possible to ensure that it will be received in time to submit with your application.

    NWI maps may be purchased from: Center for Governmental Studies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115; Telephone: 815/753-0914. NWI maps may also be available from local and/or regional planning commissions. Allow 5-10 business days for delivery. A 24-hour rush order can be requested for an additional fee.

    Attach photocopies (5) of a NWI map showing the portion where the project site is located. Clearly delineate and identify the "project site" on the map with a dashed black line. Copies should be no larger than 8 ½ x11. Do not change the original scale of the map.

    Should you have any questions, call Ken Litchfield at 217.785.5500.

    Conceptual Development Plan(s) - Attachment 3 (Provided with the grant application.)

    Check project type(s).

    Indicate if the building was built pre or post 1960.

    Concise Project Description should include a one to two sentence overview of the project and a list of the project components included on MCDOC4.

    If the project involves a pre-1960s building you must complete page 2.

    Indicate the status of the project. If already underway explain what part of the project has already been completed.

    Provide architectural plans/specs including any landscaping or parking lots clearly indicating how the new addition will be joined to or physically affect the original building's structure.

    Provide a site plan clearly indicating the proposed project and any areas of potential effects. A site plan is an architect's/engineer's rendering of where each element goes within the project area and will show any changes drawn into the existing features of the project site. The drawing may indicate which of the proposed changes fall within the current phase of the project and which are for future proposals.

    Provide a narrative of the project building's history including age of the structure, the architect/builder, what the building's original purpose was, has been through the years, and is currently. List any modifications, alterations, and/or additions.

    Submit one set of original photos (35mm, 3x5) or clear digital images and 4 sets of photocopies, showing exterior views of all sides of the building. If interior modifications are being made, photos or digital images should also be submitted showing the areas to be modified.



    © Illinois State Museum -- Last updated Aug-2-2004kf

    Public Museum Grants Information
    Statutory Information
    Administrative Rule
    Eligibility Information
    Future Grant Cycles
    Application Forms - For Reference Only
    Application Guidelines -- For Reference Only
    Program Summary FY99 through FY04
    Staff Directory
    Grant Awards Lists FY99-FY04
    Copyright © 2006 Illinois State Museum Site Map | ISM Privacy Information | Kids Privacy | Web Accessibility | Webmaster| Illinois DNR
    Last updated 2006-02-10, 12:54 by kf