Health Care Markets and Managed Care

Expert Meeting to Discuss Emerging Research Priorities

In January 1997, the Center for Organization and Delivery Studies, Agency for Health Policy and Research (AHCPR), held a 2-day meeting of experts to identify central questions for managed care research. These experts—including physicians, hospital administrators, purchasers, researchers, policy analysts, and other managed care experts—assisted in identifying research priorities to ensure that funds are used to produce the information most needed to improve health care.

Four short papers commissioned to stimulate discussion at the expert meeting were revised and published in the December 1997 issue of HSR: Health Services Research along with an introductory article. This issue can be ordered from HSR: Health Services Research's Web site (

Fraser, Irene. Research Agenda for Managed Care. Introduction: Research on Health Care Organizations and Markets—The Best and Worst of Times. HSR: Health Services Research 32:5 (December 1997) 669-678.

Hurley, Robert E. Research Agenda for Managed Care. Managed Care Research: Moving Beyond Incremental Thinking. HSR: Health Services Research 32:5 (December 1997) 679-690.

Lurie, Nicole. Research Agenda for Managed Care. Studying Access to Care in Managed Care Environments. HSR: Health Services Research 32:5 (December 1997) 691-701.

Wagner, Edward H. Research Agenda for Managed Care. Managed Care and Chronic Illness: Health Services Research Needs. HSR: Health Services Research 32:5 (December 1997) 702-714.

Binstock, Robert H.; Spector, William D. Research Agenda for Managed Care. Five Priority Areas for Research on Long-Term Care. HSR: Health Services Research 32:5 (December 1997) 715-730.

Current as of February 1999

Internet Citation:

Health Care Markets and Managed Care: Expert Meeting to Discuss Emerging Research Priorities. February 1999. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Rockville, MD.

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