SEDAC: Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center

Number of poor people per square kilometer

Project Description

The U.S. Census Grids provide raster data sets that include not only population and housing counts, but a wide variety of socioeconomic characteristics. These gridded data sets transform irregularly shaped census block and block group boundaries into a regular surface – a raster grid – for faster and easier analysis. Data sets are currently available for the year 2000. Data sets for 1990 are scheduled for release in early 2007.

Project Highlights

Type of Data Available

  • Individuals - age distribution, race, ethnicity, income, poverty, educational level, and immigrant status
  • Households - household size, one-person households, female-headed households with children under 18, and linguistically isolated households.
  • Housing units - occupancy, seasonal usage, occupied housing units without a vehicle, and year of construction.

Spatial Resolution

  • Data sets for the United States and Puerto Rico are available at a resolution of 30 arc-seconds or approximately 1 kilometer.
  • Data sets for 50 metropolitan statistical areas with a population of one million or more are available at a resolution of 7.5 arc-seconds or approximately 250 meters.

Map Collection

  • View and download maps showing the spatial distribution of different socioeconomic characteristics for regions and cities within the United States and Puerto Rico
CIESIN - Center for International Earth Science Information Network
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration SEDAC - Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center

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