Users Handbook For The Argonne Premium Coal Sample Program


Karl S. Vorres


This Users Handbook for the Argonne Premium Coal Samples provides the recipients of those samples with information that will enhance the value of the samples, to permit greater opportunities to compare their work with that of others, and aid in correlations that can improve the value to all users. It is hoped that this document will foster a spirit of cooperation and collaboration such that the field of basic coal chemistry may be a more efficient and rewarding endeavor for all who participate.

The different sections are intended to stand alone. For this reason some of the information may be found in several places.

The handbook is also intended to be a dynamic document, constantly subject to change through additions and improvements. Please feel free to write to the editor with your comments and suggestions.


(adapted from a paper in Energy & Fuels 4, 420-426 (1990))

* Work performed under the auspices of the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, U. S. Department of Energy, under contract number W-31-109-ENG-38.


The full set of eight coals for the Premium Coal Sample Program includes a lignite, subbituminous, high volatile, medium volatile and low volatile bituminous, as well as a liptinite-rich, an inertinite rich and a coking coal. The coals were selected on the basis of C, H, S and O contents as well as maceral content and geological age. Ampoules containing 5 grams of -100 mesh or 10 grams of -20 mesh material from each sample are available. Some analytical information is available. The methods of selection, collection, transportation, processing, packaging, distribution and characterization are summarized. The eight samples were each collected in about 1 to 1 1/2 ton quantities, placed in steel drums, purged with argon and taken to Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) for processing. After transfer to a nitrogen-filled enclosure, they were crushed, pulverized, mixed and packaged in sealed amber borosilicate ampoules. Five-gallon carboys hold about 80% of the batch in reserve for filling more ampoules after the original samples (about 5,000 of -20 mesh or 10,000 of -100 mesh) are depleted. More than 350 researchers in various groups are or have been participating in the research with these samples. Over 760 shipments totalling over 20,000 ampules have been made by October 1993 to more than 110 different organizations for a range of programs in basic coal research.


The Premium Coal Sample Program is intended to provide the basic coal research community with the highest quality samples of a limited number (8) of coals for basic research. The availability of the ampoules is the result of the cooperation of many individuals within a number of organizations whose efforts made the high quality of the samples possible.

The need for a Premium Coal Sample Program was expressed on a number of occasions, culminating in the Coal Sample Bank Workshop held March 27 and 28, 1981 in Atlanta, Georgia. Funding was later made available from the Division of Chemical Sciences of the Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the U. S. Department of Energy for the program. The premium coal samples produced from each coal and distributed through this program are chemically and physically as identical as possible, have well-characterized chemical and physical properties, and will be stable over long periods of time. To achieve these goals, coals have been mined, transported, processed into the desired particle and sample sizes, packaged in humid nitrogen environments as free of oxygen as possible, and carefully characterized by a variety of techniques.

One of the reasons for preparing these samples was to permit workers to determine if the apparent difference in results between two laboratories was due to the samples or the experimental technique.

The premium coal reference splits produced from each coal sample and distributed through this program are chemically and physically as identical as possible, have well-characterized chemical and physical properties, and will be stable over long periods of time. To achieve these goals, coal samples were mined, transported, processed into the desired particle and sample sizes, packaged in humid nitrogen environments as free of oxygen as possible, and carefully characterized by a variety of techniques.

Selection of the Coals

It was decided to include a set of eight coals in the program. The selection of these eight coal samples was based on those parameters which would represent significant differences among the available coal types mined in the United States and maximize our understanding of the fundamental properties of coal. A cluster analysis of whole coal seam data from the Pennsylvania State Coal Sample Data Base was carried out with data from 200 samples to establish desirable choices in terms of the significant compositional parameters, C, H, O and S. Using increasing carbon and decreasing oxygen on one axis and hydrogen and sulfur content on the other, the cluster analysis provided identification of compositional characteristics for eight coal samples. These composition characteristics are listed in Table I and were used to select the set of initial sample choices.

The list was then examined to consider the variety of maceral contents which exist in U. S. coal types. There are three important maceral groups, vitrinite, liptinite and inertinite.

With help from the U. S. Geological Survey, individual coals were identified for collection. The compositional characteristics, primarily carbon content, were used to guide the selection of five of the coals. These provided a rank range from lignite through low volatile bituminous. Anthracites were not included because of their low reactivity and relative scarcity. The other three were selected to give a range of sulfur contents, a larger content of macerals other than vitrinite, and a range of bituminous coals with varied paleobotanical source material. Within the compositional constraints from the cluster analysis one of the samples was selected for its known coking properties. A short description of the source of the samples is given in a later section. Table II gives the identity of these samples and some of their characteristics. Samples #1,2,3,5 and 8 were selected to give a range of compositional parameters, primarily carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which vary with the degree of coalification of the sample. In addition #3 provides a sample with a relatively high sulfur content. Coal #4 was also selected for its known good coking properties, coal #6 was selected for high liptinite and #7 for high sporinite and inertinite contents.

Collection of Mine Samples

The actual collection of coal samples began by identifying the potential sources of coal samples and seeking permission to acquire the samples. At least one staff geologist from the U. S. Geological Survey was present at each site for supervision of the actual collection of the sample and to document the seam for later description in USGS Circulars which will provide a permanent, referenceable description of the sample.

For a typical underground sample, an initial meeting with the mine operator both clarified the plan and minimized the time that the coal sample was exposed to the air. On the morning of the collection, the coal bed face was freshly exposed, by cutting back through about 8' of coal, to provide a block of coal the entire thickness of the coal bed, about 12-18" wide and long enough to provide for the 1 ton sample. The bed was exposed with a continuous miner, and a roof bolter immediately followed to secure the seam roof. The loose coal was scraped away from the sample block, and several layers of plastic were placed on the mine floor. After measuring and calculating the amount needed for the sample, the block was marked for removal by the USGS representative. The block was then removed by the collection crew with hand picks from the roof to the floor to provide a channel-type sample. Particular care was taken to avoid contamination of the sample with nearby material. When the bed thickness exceeded four feet (Illinois #6, Pittsburgh, Pocahontas, Blind Canyon and Lewiston-Stockton), stainless steel drums were taken into the mine for sample collection. For the first sample (Upper Freeport) only, double plastic bags were used to transport the coal to the surface. In all cases, the coal samples were loaded into 55-gallon stainless steel drums from 1/2 to 5 hours after collection and then the drums were purged with argon. An additional supply of chunks of coal in a 15 gallon container was obtained from each coal bed for experimenters who need larger pieces for their work.

The subbituminous sample was collected as a 6" core sample from the Wyodak-Anderson seam that was about 120' thick at the sample site. The drilling contractor also obtained two additional 3" cores, one for the USGS, and the other for long-term storage of the sample. All cores were rinsed with distilled, deaerated water immediately after they were released from the core barrel and loaded into the stainless steel drums for purging and shipment.

The lignite sample was obtained as a series of 3" core-type samples drilled through the 18 foot thick seam at about 20' intervals over a freshly exposed top surface. Cold weather limited reactions at the surface. This approach provided channel-type samples representative of a sample area of about one acre. The samples were also quickly loaded into the drums and purged with argon.

Sample Descriptions

The first sample is an Upper Freeport seam, medium-volatile bituminous coal which was collected from an underground mine near Homer City (Indiana County) Pennsylvania in January 1985. The seam was 4' thick where it was sampled. The sample was collected in special double-plastic bags and transferred to the stainless steel drums at the surface.

The second sample is from the Wyodak-Anderson seam, a subbituminous coal collected about 6 miles northeast of Gillette, (Campbell County) Wyoming in October 1985. The seam was about 120' thick at the collection site. The sample for processing consisted of a 6" core sample through the entire seam.

The third sample is a high-volatile bituminous coal, from the Illinois #6 or Herrin seam, and was collected about 60 miles southeast of St. Louis in St. Clair County in Illinois in December 1985. The 55-gallon drums were taken into the underground mine for this and all subsequent underground mines because the seam was 7' thick at the Illinois site and at least 6' thick for all other underground samples. The original sample was a block which weighed at least 4 tons. The initial 3 tons were mechanically mined (resulting in a higher mineral matter content) and became the Illinois Basin Coal Sample 105 (fifth in a series of samples). This sample was processed in the nitrogen-filled glove box to provide -20 mesh material which was placed in sealed 5 gallon, one-gallon and one-pint (pound) containers. The final ton was hand-picked in the usual fashion for the premium samples. [1].

The fourth sample (high-volatile bituminous) was obtained underground from the Pittsburgh seam (sometimes referred to as Pittsburgh #8) and was collected about 60 miles south of Pittsburgh in Greene County, Pennsylvania in March 1986. This seam was 6' thick at the collection site. The sample drums were taken into the mine for loading.

The fifth sample is a low-volatile bituminous from the Pocahontas #3 seam, collected underground in Buchanan County, Virginia in June 1986. This seam was 6' thick at the collection site and the drums were loaded in the mine.

The sixth sample (high-volatile bituminous) is an underground Blind Canyon seam sample collected in Emery County, Utah about 150 miles southeast of Salt Lake City in August 1986. The seam was about 7' thick at the collection site. Drums were loaded in the mine.

The seventh sample (high-volatile bituminous) is from the Lewiston-Stockton seam of the Kanawha formation. This was collected underground about 20 miles east of Charleston in Kanawha County, West Virginia in October 1986. The seam was about 6' thick at the collection site and the drums were loaded in the mine.

The eighth sample is a lignite from the Beulah-Zap seam collected in Mercer County, North Dakota, about 8 miles northwest of Beulah in November 1986. The seam was about 18' thick at the collection area. Collection was done by accumulating about 50 3" core samples spaced about 20' apart in each direction. Samples were immediately placed in the stainless steel drums.

Purging and Transportation of Mine Samples

The 55 gallon drums were fitted with "quick-connect" fittings on the side which led to a steel tube terminating about 1" from the bottom of the inside of the drum. The top of the drum was fitted with a welded tee attached to a valve and a pressure gauge. The drum top was fitted with a special high density gasket to maintain a gas tight seal (2). The purging of the air was done by attaching several drums in series and connecting them to a cylinder of 99.999% argon gas. The gas flow path was in through the fitting to the bottom of the drum and around the coal to exit at the valve. The argon was passed through the drums for at least the volume required to convert air in empty drums to 100 ppm of oxygen assuming perfect mixing during the purging. Following the purging the drums were tested for holding pressure at 6 psig and transported to ANL. Purging typically required 1-2 hours.

All samples were transported by the same truck and driver. The truck was loaded at ANL with stainless steel drums, argon cylinders and tools and then driven to the mine site. The sealed drums were then transported in a refrigerated semitrailer at temperatures of 40-45 degrees F to prevent freezing and limit chemical reactions on the way to the processing facility at ANL. The samples arrived at the laboratory within one-half to two days of the collection and argon purging, and were immediately unloaded.

Preparation of Research Samples

The drums were unloaded from the truck, weighed and placed into an airlock in a nitrogen-filled processing and packaging facility. This facility is a large enclosure in two parts, each of which was constructed of sheets of aluminum and clear plastic windows. Seventy pairs of long rubber gloves mounted in the windows permit manipulation of the samples and equipment during the processing. The dimensions of the facility are about 5-6' wide, 13' high and the equivalent of 40' long. The processing and packaging sections are separated by a sealed mixer-blender. Oxygen control is part of the gas-handling system design which includes a cyclone separator, high-efficiency particulate filter, industrial blower and cooling coils, as well as steam supply for humidity control. A part of the gas stream is passed over a palladium-on-alumina catalyst with a slow stream of hydrogen to react with and convert the trace amounts of oxygen to steam. The oxygen content of the facility was maintained below 100 ppm, and typically was about 30 ppm. Gas concentrations were monitored with an oxygen fuel-cell type analyzer (Teledyne Trace Oxygen Analyzer), hydrogen (Control Instruments) and hydrocarbon monitor (Beckman Hydrocarbon Analyzer). Separate temperature and humidity indicators were used for each of the two enclosures.

The processing consisted of several steps starting with the crushing and pulverizing the coal to -20 mesh, and mixing the entire ton-sized batch. This batch was then placed into containers. Half of the batch was placed in sealed 5 gallon pails for regrinding to -100 mesh and subsequent packaging. Each half ton was sealed partly (about 80%) in 5 gallon glass carboys for long term storage and the balance in ampules for distribution to researchers. Details of the processing follow.

After the airlock was purged with nitrogen, the drums were opened, and the contents were transferred to a rotating bar crusher (Jacobsen) using a hydraulic drum dumper (Tubar). The sample was reduced to pieces that would pass between bars with 1/2" openings. The flow of crushed coal to the elevator was regulated with an adjustable gate. The sample was raised with a vibrating lift (FMC Syntron) to the pulverizer (Fitzmill model D) where it was initially ground to pass through a 20-mesh screen. With the exception of the lignite, the entire one-ton batch used for processing was ground and accumulated in a 2000-liter mixer-blender (Littleford). After thorough (established by previous testing program) four-minute mixing the sample was transferred by a tubular conveyer (Dynamet) to a second nitrogen-filled enclosure. This tubular conveyor was used for the last 7 samples. Difficulty with transporting fine material on a second vibrating lift necessitated the equipment substitution. About half the batch was transferred to 5-gallon leverlock pails for transfer back to the initial airlock for later repulverizing to -100 mesh. About 80% of the balance was placed into 5-gallon borosilicate glass carboys for long-term storage. About 5,000 ampoules containing 10 grams of -20 mesh samples were sealed with a hydrogen-oxygen torch. The flame was kept at the stoichiometric composition with a mass flow controller (Linde mass flowmeter/flow controller). The half batch that was transferred to the initial airlock was pulverized to pass a 100-mesh screen and accumulated again in the mixer-blender. After mixing, the -100 mesh material was transferred to the second enclosure for placing into 5-gallon borosilicate carboys and into 10,000 ampoules of 5 grams of -100 mesh material. The ampoule filling-sealing system was built by Kuchar Industrial Service and Supply of Joliet, Illinois. The control system was extensively modified by ANL personnel to provide computer control for ease of changing control parameters. Filling of the ampoules was done with a Mateer-Burt system which uses computer control for the amount of pulverized coal dispensed to each ampoule. The carboys were stoppered with special stopcock assemblies to retain the nitrogen atmosphere after removal from the nitrogen-filled enclosure. The ANL glassblower sealed the carboys for long-term storage. Samples were taken during the processing for homogeneity analyses to establish the uniformity of the samples during the processing and sealing.

The North Dakota Beulah-Zap sample was obtained as a series of channel type samples in each drum. The high moisture content of this coal precluded processing through two successive stages of grinding. The moist material would have accumulated on the pulverizer screen and prevented the final grinding. Instead, one half of the batch was processed for -20 mesh material and the other half batch was ground just once to provide the -100 mesh sample. The high moisture content of the Wyodak sample led to limited production of the -100 mesh material and processing of the material from carboys of -20 mesh with a small pulverizer after the lignite sample. This activity resulted in the production of 4,000 of the -100 mesh ampoules.

Additional processing during the summer of 1991 of material in the carboys provided an additional 8,000 of the -100 mesh Wyodak and 2,000 of the -100 mesh Illinois #6 samples.

Sample Storage

The samples and borosilicate carboys are kept in racks in a dark storage room that is kept close to 72 degrees F year round. The borosilicate carboys can be used to replenish supplies of the ampoules whenever needed to sustain the inventory for shipments. It is expected that about 75,000 ampoules can be provided from each sample. This quantity of ampoules can meet requests for 30 ampoules per work day of each coal for the next decade and is expected to meet the actual demand for a substantially longer period.

Analysis of Samples

Three types of analyses were made. These were to indicate homogeneity of mixing, elemental and proximate analysis data, and stability of the samples as well as integrity of the seals.

Homogeneity Analyses

For the homogeneity analyses, a series of 39 samples was taken during the processing of each coal sample to determine whether there were any differences in composition during the processing and packaging of the thoroughly-mixed material. The as-received moist samples to be tested for homogeneous mixing were irradiated by neutrons at the University of Illinois TRIGA reactor and the induced radioactivity of several species was counted at the ANL Analytical Chemistry Laboratory to indicate the relative content of selected elements in each sample. The radioactive species that were counted varied from sample to sample depending on the relative abundance of the inorganic constituents in the sample. The species included Na-24, K-42, Sc-46, As-76, and La-140. Results were calculated in terms of disintegrations per minute per gram (DPM/g) of sample. The multiplier gives the factor by which the DPM/g should be multiplied. Table III gives the results of the analyses.

As a further test of homogeneity the last three irradiated samples were also analyzed for percent S, gross calorific value, moisture, and ash at the ANL Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. The values are given in Table IV.

The samples for the analyses reported in Table IV were not kept in a vessel at constant humidity, resulting in significant differences in the measured moisture content from fresh samples, but were expected to be consistent within the sample set.

The values given for the standard deviation/average value provide a useful measure of the consistency of the homogeneity of the samples for the given analyses.

Proximate and Elemental Analyses

Additional samples were submitted for a range of analyses including: proximate, ultimate, major and minor elements in the ash, heat content, forms of sulfur, and maceral analysis. A large number of laboratories participated in the analytical studies. The analytical data are given in Table V.

The data from the analyses can be used to calculate empirical formulae based on the organic material in the coal and on the basis of 100 carbon atoms per "formula weight". The formulae for the samples in order of increasing H/C are given below:

Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulfur Pocahontas 100 58.5
2.0 1.2 0.2

Upper Freeport 100 66.0 6.6 1.6 0.3

Lewiston-St. 100 76.3 8.9 1.6 0.3

Pittsburgh 100 76.7 8.0 1.7 0.4

Illinois #6 100 77.3 13.1 1.5 1.2

Beulah-Zap 100 79.5 20.9 1.4 0.4

Wyodak-And. 100 85.6 18.0 1.3 0.2

Blind Canyon 100 85.7 10.8 1.7 0.2

Integrity of Seals and Long Term Stability

In order to establish the integrity of the seals, additional work is being done at the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of the ANL which includes the evaluation of the gas atmosphere inside the ampoules initially at approximately six month intervals (3) and later at annual or longer intervals. Particular attention is given to the oxygen content to ascertain potential oxidation. Ampules were placed in an evacuable chamber, evacuated and the glass containers broken to release the contained gases. Until 1991 these gases were analyzed with a CEC mass spectrometer to indicate the content of different gases. Starting in 1991 data were taken with a VG Gas Analysis mass spectrometer model 30-01. Analytical data were given for nitrogen, oxygen, methane, moisture, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, argon and heavier hydrocarbons. Data for carbon monoxide were not given initially because the CEC mass spectrometer cannot differentiate it from nitrogen. The results indicated that the oxygen is always at or below the limits of detection (30-50 ppm). The carbon monoxide is usually at or below the limits of detection (.05%). The carbon dioxide content has increased in the low rank coals and the Pittsburgh as well as the Pocahontas sample over a multiyear period. The methane content has increased for the higher rank coals. The hydrogen content was substantial in the Pittsburgh and Pocahontas samples.

Reproducibility of Analytical Data

Samples are distributed as 5-gram ampoules of -100 mesh or 10- gram ampoules of -20 mesh material.

The importance of sample mixing must be stressed. All coal samples are subject to segregation on standing. It is necessary to remix the sample before opening the ampoule. The recommended method is to turn the ampoule so that the coal alternately falls into the top and then the body of the ampoule. This should be repeated a number of times (at least 10). Rolling the ampoule on its side is not as effective and should not be relied upon for thorough mixing.

The standard deviations and reproducibilities of the analytical data as reported by Commercial Testing and Engineering Company are given in Table VI. These represent the results from evaluation of the data from as many as 60 different laboratories which are part of the Company.

The samples are intended to be used immediately after opening for all work involving air-sensitive properties. Any unused portion should be discarded, as the original properties may change on further storage.

Long Term Supply

One of the important characteristics of a sample supplier is the ability to make the samples available over a long period of time. The preparation of sample material was planned to provide for the equivalent of 50,000 of 5 gram ampules and 25,000 of the 10 gram ampoules. This is accomplished by the initial preparation of 10,000 of the 5 gram ampoules and 5,000 of the 10 gram ampoules. The balance of the ampoules will be prepared by placing an appropriate number of the 5 gallon carboys into the nitrogen filled enclosure. Each carboy holds about 10 kilograms. The carboys will be opened in the nitrogen filled environment, remixed and sealed into more ampules to replenish the inventory. At the time of the writing the inventory of sealed ampoules is expected to be at least 15 years for the most-ordered samples (Illinois #6 and Wyodak-Anderson -100 mesh). [2]

Information Dissemination

Newsletters and Users Handbooks (1) are sent without charge to recipients of Argonne Premium Coal Samples and individuals who have asked to be included in the mailing list. [3]

Microbes in the Samples

The observation of carbon dioxide in some ampules and methane in others led to an effort to examine the samples for the presence of microbes which might have produced these gases. Samples of each coal in each particle size were placed in anaerobic conditions with culture media selected to allow the growth of bacteria which may have been present. After suitable times the samples were examined and some growth was observed in the three lowest rank samples (Beulah-Zap, Wyodak-Anderson and Illinois #6). The samples were checked and sent to the Anaerobic Microbiology Department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Cultures prepared from these samples were found to belong to the genus Clostridium and were of a previously unidentified species. It is believed that these samples belonged to the same species. It is possible that some of the bacteria were introduced with the sample #2 (Wyodak-Anderson) and inoculated the processing equipment which led to the observation of these bacteria in some, but not all, of the later samples. The equipment was thoroughly cleaned, but not sterilized, under aerobic conditions between the processing of successive coals.


The sponsorship of the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical Sciences Division is gratefully appreciated. The work was performed under contract number W-31-109-ENG-38. The efforts of many who made the program work as effectively as it has must also be mentioned. These include the original planners: Phil Horwitz, John Unik, Randall Winans, Gary Dyrkacz and John Young; the Advisory Board, who met with the manager and sponsor, C. Blaine Cecil, USGS; John Larsen, Lehigh University; Marvin Poutsma, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Ronald Pugmire, University of Utah; William Spackman, Pennsylvania State University; Leon Stock, University of Chicago; Irving Wender, University of Pittsburgh; Randall Winans and John Young, Argonne National Laboratory; the staff of the U. S. Geological Survey, who supervised and participated in the sample collection: C. Blaine Cecil, Brenda Pierce, Ron Stanton and Peter Warwick; the coal companies who generously made samples available: Rochester and Pittsburgh Mining Company, Peabody Coal Company, Coteau Properties, Inc. and others; many individuals involved in the design and construction of the processing facility: Herbert Brown, K. Michael Myles, Gale Teats, Kurt Schultz, Ed Lewandowski, Mike Slawecki, Rich Graczyk, Pat Doolin; the sample collection crew from the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory: David Allen, Tim Graham, Ron Lowman; the truck driver: Randy Engelhart: those who assisted with the coal processing: Gale Teats, Kurt Schultz, Don Piatak, Wally Czyz, Stuart Janikowski, Freddie Morris, Dmitry Silversteyn, Bart Beals, David Clow, James Krizek, and Mark Kopciewski; the glassblower: Joe Gregar; cluster analysis: Paul Neill; homogeneity analyses: Bob Heinrich; chemical analyses: Peter Lindahl and Toni Engelkemeir; computer programming: Paul Day and Miriam Bretscher.

Appreciation is expressed to Butterworth-Heinemann and to the American Chemical Society for permission to publish tables and graphs in the Analytical Data section.


(1) Vorres,K.S. Users Handbook for the Argonne Premium Coal Sample Program, 1989 ANL/PCSP-89/1, Oct., available from the National Technical Information Service.

(2) Harvey,R.D.;Kruse,C.W. J. Coal Qual. 1988 7 109

(3) Vorres,K.S. Proc. 1989 Intl. Conf. Coal Science, 1989 II 1083

Additional references from the "Bibliography on Work with the Argonne Premium Coal Samples" (see Section 5) providing general information on the Argonne Premium Coal Sample Program include numbers: 4, 12, 13, 34 (Illinois Basin Coal Sample Program), 43, 62, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 (model for biomass), 81.

Table I. Results of Cluster Analysis For Selection of Samples Group % Carbon % Hydrogen % Sulfur[*] % Oxygen[**]

1 73.6 +/- 1.5 4.9 +/- 0.2 0.5 +/- 0.2 20.0 +/- 1.5 2 74.5 +/- 1.9 5.6
+/- 0.5 1.1 +/- 0.4 17.5 +/- 2.0 3 79.0 +/- 1.7 5.5 +/- 0.4 4.4 +/- 0.3 10.0
+/- 1.5 4 79.2 +/- 2.0 5.6 +/- 0.4 0.9 +/- 0.6 12.8 +/- 2.0 5 82.7 +/-
2.0 5.7 +/- 0.4 1.3 +/- 0.6 8.1 +/- 1.8 6 85.4 +/- 1.4 5.4 +/- 0.3 0.8
+/- 0.3 6.8 +/- 1.4 7 89.6 +/- 1.0 4.9 +/- 0.3 0.8 +/- 0.3 3.2 +/- 1.0
8 91.3 +/- 0.5 4.3 +/- 0.2 0.7 +/- 0.2 2.3 +/- 0.6
[*] Organic
[**]By difference

Table II. Argonne Premium Coal Samples and Some Characteristics # Seam State Rank C H O S Ash
1 Upper Freeport PA Med. Vol. Bit. 86 4.7 8 2.3 13

2 Wyodak-Anderson WY Subbituminous 75 5.4 18 0.6 9

3 Illinois #6 IL High Vol. Bit. 78 5.0 14 4.8 15

4 Pittsburgh (#8) PA High Vol. Bit. 83 5.3 9 2.2 9

5 Pocahontas #3 VA Low Vol. Bit. 91 4.4 2 0.7 5

6 Blind Canyon UT High Vol. Bit. 81 5.8 12 0.6 5

7 Lewiston-Stockton WV High Vol. Bit. 83 5.3 10 0.7 20

8 Beulah-Zap ND Lignite 73 4.8 20 0.8 10

The coal samples are listed in the order collected. The weight % C, H and O values are given on the moisture and ash-free basis, while S and ash are on the dry basis. The data were provided by Commercial Testing and Engineering, Inc., Lombard, IL from the results of analyses at 55 laboratories in their organization.

Table III. Homogeneity Analyses of Coal Samples by Irradiation Coal #1: Upper Freeport

Species Counted Na K As

Multiplier: 10**6 10**6 10**5
Average: 3.870 4.430 3.987
Maximum: 4.286 4.853 4.267
Minimum: 3.631 4.131 3.748
Std. Dev. 0.1216 0.1526 0.1095
Std. Dev./Ave: 0.0314 0.0345 0.0275

Coal #2: Wyodak-Anderson

Species Counted Na As La Sc

Multiplier: 10**7 10**4 10**4 10**4
Average: 1.742 10.164 8.201 4.890
Maximum: 1.892 12.880 9.026 5.317
Minimum: 1.622 8.811 7.630 4.498
Std. Dev. 0.0504 0.8586 0.2792 0.1782
Std. Dev./Ave: 0.0289 0.0845 0.0340 0.0364

Coal #3: Illinois #6

Species Counted Na K Sc As La

Multiplier: 10**7 10**6 10**4 10**5 10**5
Average: 2.236 6.189 1.028 1.828 1.382
Maximum: 2.469 6.984 1.114 2.058 1.500
Minimum: 2.010 5.465 0.931 1.625 1.250
Std. Dev. 0.122 0.370 0.049 0.118 0.073
Std.Dev./Ave: 0.0544 0.0598 0.0476 0.0647 0.0525

Coal #4: Pittsburgh

Species Counted Na K Sc As La

Multiplier: 10**6 10**6 10**3 10**5 10**5
Average: 7.196 3.336 10.165 3.310 1.304
Maximum: 8.668 3.634 10.910 3.668 1.424
Minimum: 6.755 2.931 9.567 2.901 1.178
Std. Dev. 0.330 0.137 0.318 0.133 0.049
Std. Dev/Ave: 0.0458 0.0410 0.0313 0.0402 0.0376

Coal #5: Pocahontas #3

Species Counted Na Sc As La

Multiplier 10**7 10**3 10**5 10**5
Average: 1.160 4.583 2.752 0.960
Maximum: 1.411 4.900 2.993 1.017
Minimum: 1.006 4.142 2.284 0.898
Std. Dev. 0.084 0.189 0.167 0.029
Std. Dev/Ave: 0.0725 0.0413 0.0584 0.0295

Coal #6: Blind Canyon

Species Counted Na K Sc La

Multiplier: 10**7 10**5 10**3 10**4
Average: 1.390 3.493 1.531 3.166
Maximum: 1.520 5.108 1.703 3.438
Minimum: 1.29 2.389 1.398 2.882
Std. Dev. 0.056 0.516 0.057 0.132
Std. Dev/Ave: 0.0404 0.1476 0.0372 0.0418

Coal #7: Lewiston-Stockton

Species Counted: Na K Sc As La

Multiplier: 10**6 10**6 10**4 10**4 10**5
Average: 2.806 5.427 1.207 9.480 1.748
Maximum: 3.291 6.539 1.347 11.507 1.979
Minimum: 2.095 3.758 0.891 6.925 1.319
Std. Dev. 0.206 0.499 0.077 0.882 0.112
Std. Dev/Ave: 0.0736 0.0919 0.0636 0.0931 0.0643

Coal #8: Beulah-Zap

Species Counted: Na La Sc

Multiplier: 10**7 10**4 10**3
Average: 3.461 1.847 1.129
Maximum: 4.218 2.370 1.318
Minimum: 3.021 1.671 0.968
Std. Dev. 0.256 0.153 0.075
Std. Dev/Ave: 0.0738 0.0828 0.0662

The calculated uncertainties (in percent) of the weighted average values for the DPM/g were 1.8% or less for counts with multipliers of up to 10**5 and equal to or less than 0.4% for multipliers of 10**6 or 10**7.

Table IV. Homogeneity Analyses for Last Three Coals from Sulfur, Gross Calorific Value, Moisture and Ash Data (as-received)
Analysis: S GC Value Moisture Ash (wt %) (Btu/lb) (wt
%) (wt %)

Coal: Blind Canyon

Average: 0.585 13,559 2.87 4.73
Maximum: 0.652 13,665 3.47 5.06
Minimum: 0.544 13,438 2.45 4.59
Std. Dev: 0.0212 49.9 0.24 0.124
SD/Ave: 0.0361 0.0037 0.0847 0.0263

Coal: Lewiston-Stockton

Average: 0.699 11,549 1.46 19.62
Maximum: 0.800 11,630 1.86 19.99
Minimum: 0.645 11,387 1.04 19.40
Std. Dev: 0.0277 52.8 0.19 0.11
SD/Ave: 0.0396 0.0046 0.1278 0.0057

Coal: Beulah-Zap

Average: 0.572 9,864 27.19 9.48
Maximum: 0.658 10,507 34.89 9.82
Minimum: 0.508 9,307 17.15 9.11
Std. Dev: 0.0395 300 4.645 0.148
SD/Ave: 0.0691 0.0304 0.171 0.0156

Table V. Elemental and Proximate Analyses Calculation of As-received, maf and Dmmf values from Dry Data from Commercial Testing and Engineering



AR H2O 1.13 28.09 7.97 1.65 0.65 4.63 2.42 32.24 AR Ash 13.03 6.31 14.25 9.10 4.74 4.49 19.36 6.59 AR VM 27.14 32.17 36.86 37.20 18.48 43.72 29.44 30.45 AR S 2.29 0.45 4.45 2.15 0.66 0.59 0.69 0.54 AR Btu 13315 8426 10999 13404 14926 13280 11524 7454 Dry Ash 13.18 8.77 15.48 9.25 4.77 4.71 19.84 9.72 Dry VM 27.45 44.73 40.05 37.82 18.60 45.84 30.17 44.94 Dry S 2.32 0.63 4.83 2.19 0.66 0.62 0.71 0.80 Dry Btu 13467 11717 11951 13629 15024 13925 11810 11001 Dry C 74.23 68.43 65.65 75.50 86.71 76.89 66.20 65.85 Dry H 4.08 4.88 4.23 4.83 4.23 5.49 4.21 4.36 Dry N 1.35 1.02 1.16 1.49 1.27 1.50 1.25 1.04 Dry Cl 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.19 0.03 0.10 0.04 Dry F below detection levels for all samples Pyritic S 1.77 0.17 2.81 1.37 0.15 0.24 0.16 0.14 Sulfate S 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 Organic S 0.54 0.43 2.01 0.81 0.48 0.35 0.52 0.63 MAF C 85.50 75.01 77.67 83.20 91.05 80.69 82.58 72.94 MAF H 4.70 5.35 5.00 5.32 4.44 5.76 5.25 4.83 MAF N 1.55 1.12 1.37 1.64 1.33 1.57 1.56 1.15 MAF Org S 0.74 0.47 2.38 0.89 0.50 0.37 0.65 0.70 MAF Cl 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.20 0.03 0.12 0.04 MAF O 7.51 18.02 13.51 8.83 2.47 11.58 9.83 20.34 MAF Btu 15511 12843 14140 15018 15777 14613 14733 12185 Dmmf C 88.08 76.04 80.73 84.95 91.81 81.32 85.47 74.05 Dmmf H 4.84 5.42 5.20 5.43 4.48 5.81 5.44 4.90 Dmmf N 1.60 1.13 1.43 1.68 1.34 1.59 1.61 1.17 Dmmf Org 0.76 0.48 2.47 0.91 0.51 0.37 0.67 0.71 Dmmf Cl 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.20 0.03 0.13 0.04 Dmmf O 4.72 16.90 10.11 6.90 1.66 10.88 6.68 19.13 Dmmf Btu 15980 13020 14696 15336 15908 14728 15247 12370

Modified Parr Formula (used) MM(dry) = 1.13 Ash + 0.47 Pyritic S(dry) + 0.50 Cl (dry) Parr Formula (not used)

MM(dry) = 1.08 Ash(dry) + 0.55 S (total dry)

Abbreviations: UF = Upper Freeport seam; WY = Wyodak Anderson seam; IL = Illinois #6 seam; PITT = Pittsburgh seam; POC = Pocahontas #3 seam; UT = Blind Canyon seam; WV = Lewiston-Stockton seam; ND = Beulah-Zap seam; AR = As received; VM = volatile matter; MAF = moisture and ash-free; Dmmf = dry, mineral matter free

Table VI. Analysis Data with Standard Deviations, Reproducibilities as Reported by C. T. &E. Coal Value S.D. Reproducibility Analysis

Upper Freeport

Moisture 1.13 0.0725 0.205
Ash 13.03 0.1509 0.427
Volatile 27.14 0.5156 1.458
Sulfur 2.29 0.0428 0.121
Btu 13,315 56.5602 160.0

Carbon 74.23 0.6190
Hydrogen 4.08 0.0503
Nitrogen 1.35 0.0270


Moisture 28.09 0.7043 1.99
Ash 6.31 0.1093 0.31
Volatile 32.17 1.2241 3.46
Sulfur 0.45 0.0225 0.06
Btu 8,426 66.9858 189

Carbon 68.43 .3606
Hydrogen 4.88 0.0283
Nitrogen 1.02 .0424

Illinois #6

Moisture 7.97 0.0656 0.185
Ash 14.25 0.2628 0.743
Volatile 36.86 0.7566 2.140
Sulfur 4.45 0.1773 0.501
Btu 10,999 35.2414 99.7

Carbon ---
Hydrogen ---
Nitrogen ---


Moisture 1.65 0.1094 0.310
Ash 9.10 0.1825 0.516
Volatile 37.20 0.4274 1.209
Sulfur 2.15 0.0703 0.199
Btu 13,404 45.4765 128.6

Carbon ---
Hydrogen ---
Nitrogen ---


Moisture 0.65 0.1111 0.31
Ash 4.74 0.0695 0.20
Volatile 18.48 0.6508 1.84
Sulfur 0.66 0.0347 0.10
Btu 14,926 16.1909 46

Carbon 86.71 .1273
Hydrogen 4.23 .0771
Nitrogen 1.27 .0490

Blind Canyon

Moisture 4.63 0.1215 0.34
Ash 4.49 0.1123 0.32
Volatile 43.72 0.8061 2.28
Sulfur 0.59 0.0225 0.06
Btu 13,280 41.3476 117

Carbon 76.89 .0775
Hydrogen 5.49 .3667
Nitrogen 1.5 .0778


Moisture 2.42 0.1990 0.56
Ash 19.36 0.1220 0.35
Volatile 29.44 0.3539 1.00
Sulfur 0.69 0.0234 0.07
Btu 11,524 25.1364 71

Carbon 66.20 .6773
Hydrogen 4.21 .0495
Nitrogen 1.25 .0316


Moisture 32.24 0.8672 2.45

Ash 6.59 0.1292 0.37

Volatile 30.45 2.4189 6.84

Sulfur 0.54 .0417 0.12

Btu 7,454 82.2394 233

Carbon 65.85 1.9445

Hydrogen 4.36 .2332

Nitrogen 1.04 .0707

1Information on price and availability of these samples may be obtained from the Illinois State Geological Survey, 615 E. Peabody Drive, Champaign, IL 61820.

2Information on the price and availability of the samples may be obtained from the D. L. Vervack, Chemistry Division, Building 200, Argonne National Laboratory at 630-252-3655 or FAX 630-252-9288..

3Individuals who wish to be placed on the mailing list or receive a copy of the Handbook should write the contact the D.L. Vervack, Chemistry Division, Building 200, Argonne National Laboratory at 630-252-3655 or FAX 630-252-9288..