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Archives: 2008

Climate Change to Prompt Migration
Earth and Sky Radio Series podcast, January 6

Audio interview with CIESIN senior research associate Alex de Sherbinin.

Adapting to Climate Change
Earth and Sky Radio Series podcast, December 22

Audio interview with CIESIN senior research associate Alex de Sherbinin.

Where Species Live and Scientists Develop Species Distribution Grids
Earth and Sky Radio Series podcasts, December 16

Audio interviews with CIESIN geographic information specialist Malanding Jaiteh.

Environmental Researcher Issues Warning
Poughkeepsie Journal, December 11

The erratic nature of climate change makes it easy to disrupt the delicate balance for populations already living in vulnerable situations, and possibly give rise to conflict, says CIESIN deputy director Marc Levy in a public talk at SUNY-New Paltz.

Climate Change and National Security
PRI’s The World, December 4

CIESIN deputy director Marc Levy is interviewed.

Jack Dangermond Shows Human Footprint in Address to Western Governor’s Association
ESRI blog, July 9, 2008

Climate Change May Challenge National Security
Princeton’s Environmental Sciences Information blog, July 8

Discusses National Intelligence Council Report on climate change and national security, to which CIESIN contributed data.

Green Countries
Newsweek, July 7

The 2008 Environmental Performance Index measures how well countries are maintaining the environment.

NASA Data Helps Pinpoint Impacted Populations in Disaster Aftermath
Space & Earth science/Earth Sciences, June 13

Turning Schools from Death Traps into Havens
Science Times section of The New York Times
, May 27

Map of school-age children in earthquake zones illustrates article: following the recent earthquakes in China, experts assess school safety and the vulnerability of children to earthquakes.

Earthquake Rocks China
WSJ Online, May 13

Map of China illustrates an article comparing the location of the Sichuan province earthquakes with population centers in China.

Map describing the path of Cyclone Nargis through the Irrawaddy Delta and the populations affected
CNN Video Newscast (requires Flash), May 7

Study Shows Emerging Diseases on Rise
NPR Morning Edition, February 21

A new study appearing in the Feb. 21 issue of Nature presents the first scientific evidence that emerging diseases are on the rise and that zoonoses—diseases from wildlife—are the prime threat, due to encroachment of wild areas by human population growth and related impacts.

Emerging Infectious Diseases on the Rise
ScienceDaily, February 21

Britain is Hotspot of New Germs Says New Study
The Telegraph (London), February 21

Disease Monitors ‘Looking in the Wrong Places’
Nature News, February 20


This page last modified: Jan 08, 2009