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Soft Economy Creates Hard Challenges

The Main Street Center surveyed its network in November to find out how local commercial districts have been fairing during the economic downturn. The verdict: revitalized Main Streets are holding strong… for now.



Conference Registration is now open

2009 National Main Streets Conference


Main Street Innovation Lab Webinar Series

Register now for the next Webinar:

Why tourists Shop: How to Become a powerful Heritage travel Destination

Brochures and tourism agencies “introduce” our Main Streets to the traveler indirectly. But how can we reach them directly? Most importantly, how can we create an “authentic” visitor experience that will translate into more feet on the street and in the stores? Learn a new way of looking at the visitor experience, and explore marketing venues that can really put your town on the heritage travel map.

Panelist: Scott Gerloff, National Trust Heritage Travel Initiative & Barbara Wold, Wold International

Thursday, February 5, 2009 | 1-2 p.m. (Eastern Time) | $25
Register now | Learn more | Download Innovation Lab Flyer (pdf)

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Leveraging public relations to promote your main street

By Malcome Johnstone

Your Main Street program probably has dozens of stories to share of impressive revitalization statistics, interesting new initiatives, and great events and businesses that make your district exciting. But if no one knows about the work you are doing, you certainly won't get credit for it, nor will people know about the many wonderful things your community offers. Check out this month's issue to learn ways to leverage public relations to promote your Main Street.

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Main Street News is a benefit of National Street Network membership


Getting Started

Learn how to start a Main Street program to revive your commercial district or reinvigorate a struggling or previously failed revitalization effort.

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Statistics GraphicThe cumulative success of the Main Street Approach™ and Main Street programs on the local level has earned a reputation as one of the most powerful economic development tools in the nation.

View 2007 Reinvestment Statistics


There are many reasons you should revitalize your Main Street.

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