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We're glad you're interested in employment opportunities with Computing Sciences at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. We invite you to explore these pages to find out about great reasons to work here at Berkeley Lab and all the exciting opportunities we have available. The links on the left will help you take a look at Berkeley Lab.

The cutting edge of scientific research
The most advanced computing and networking facilities
The newest computational technologies and tools

Berkeley Lab is a multidisciplinary scientific and high performance computing facility conducting non-classified research. Computing Sciences houses one of the largest combinations of computing and networking resources in the world. We create the computational tools and collaborative technologies for accelerating science and engineering research, and we're doing this by hiring the best professionals in the industry. If this sounds like the place for you, please consider one of the many opportunities in Computing Sciences.

You will be rewarded with a competitive salary, one of the best benefit packages in the country, and the opportunity to work with creative people who are leading the technology revolution.

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