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Earth Science Division scientists and colleagues author and co-author many professional research publications.

ATrain satellite
EOS Project Office (610)
hurricane model
Global Modeling & Assimilation Office (610.1)
SeaWiFS image of Isabel
Global Change Data Center (610.2)
SVS animation of icesheet temp. over Greenland
Software Integration & Visualization Office (610.3)
SeaWiFS image of Caribbean Chlorophyll concentration
Office of Applied Sciences (610.4)
Global map of 2007 temperatures
Goddard Institute for Space Studies (611)
Hydrological Sciences
Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory (614)

Items of Interest

IPCC 2007: Summary for Policymakers
NAS Decadal Survey
Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond
NASA Science Strategy

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