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  • A Solution to Climate Change
    Is Right Under Our Feet.

    By managing earth's vast rangelands holistically,
    we can restore biodiversity, reverse desertification,
    and remove billions of tons of carbon from the atmosphere. More than 30 million acres worldwide are currently being managed holistically.

    FREE Personal Carbon Calculator
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    with anyone, for any reason.

    There are many ways to look at the costs of individual fossil fuel use and the CO2 we all contribute to the atmosphere. The chart translates individual impacts on global warming into dollars and cents, using the same principle that the Climate Exchange industry uses in paying carbon credits to farmers.

    Printed on high quality card stock. 9 inches wide x 4 inches high. (23 cm wide x 10 cm high).


    Please enter your name, address and email here
    to receive a FREE Personal Carbon Impact Calculator:


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