
Selected Legal Periodicals

HeinOnline's Law Journal Library features comprehensive access to hundreds of law journals and law reviews. It includes the most-cited and core U.S. and international law journals.

Print volumes are shelved aphabetically by title on Deck 4. Holdings vary; check the online catalog for complete holdings information. Some issues may be available only in microfilm or microfiche.

  • Administrative Law Bulletin/Law Review
  • Administrative Law Journal of the American University
  • Alaska Law Review
  • American Bar Association DC Journal
  • American Bar Association Journal
  • American Criminal Law Review
  • American Indian Journal
  • American Indian Law Newsletter
  • American Indian Law Review
  • American Journal of International Law
  • American Lawyer
  • American University Law Review
  • Annual Survey of American Law
  • Antitrust Law Journal
  • Arizona Law Review
  • Arizona State Law Journal
  • Atomic Energy Law Journal
  • Attorney Fee Awards Reporter
  • Barrister
  • Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review
  • Boston College Law Review
  • Boston University Law Review
  • Briefing Papers
  • Brigham Young Univ. Law Review
  • Brooklyn Law Review
  • California Law Review
  • Case and Comment
  • Catholic University Law Review
  • Chicago Kent Law Review
  • Coastal Zone Management Journal
  • Columbia Human Rights Law Review
  • Columbia Journal of Environmental Law
  • Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
  • Columbia Law Review
  • Compleat Lawyer
  • Cornell Law Review
  • Creighton Law Review
  • Cumberland Law Review
  • Denver Journal of International Law & Politics
  • Denver University Law Review
  • District Lawyer
  • District of Columbia Register
  • Duke Law Journal
  • Ecology Law Quarterly
  • Education Journal (Amer. Indian J.)
  • Emory Law Journal
  • Energy Law Journal
  • Environmental Law
  • Environmental Policy and Law
  • FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
  • Federal Bar Journal
  • Federal Bar News (News & Journal)
  • Federal Facilities Environmental Journal
  • Federal Lawyer
  • Florida Law Review
  • Florida State University Law Review
  • Fordham Law Review
  • Forum
  • GAO Journal
  • George Washington Law Review
  • Georgetown International Environmental Law Review
  • Georgetown Law Journal
  • Georgia Law Review
  • Golden Gate University Law Review
  • Gonzaga Law Review
  • Harvard Environmental Law Review
  • Harvard Journal on Legislation
  • Harvard Law Review
  • Hastings Law Journal
  • Houston Law Review
  • Idaho Law Review
  • Indian Law Reporter
  • Indiana Law Journal
  • International Legal Materials
  • Iowa Law Review
  • Journal of Energy, Natural Resources & Environmental Law
  • Journal of Environmental Law
  • Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy
  • Journal of Land, Resources, & Environmental Law
  • Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law
  • Journal of Law & Economics
  • Journal of Law and Family Studies
  • Journal of Law and Politics
  • Journal of Legal Studies
  • Journal of Legislation
  • Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce
  • Journal of Natural Resources & Environmental Law
  • Journal of the Legal Profession
  • Kentucky Law Journal
  • Law and Contemporary Problems
  • Law and Policy in International Business
  • Law and Social Inquiry
  • Law and Water Law Review
  • Law Library Journal
  • Legal Reference Services Quarterly
  • Legal Times
  • Louisiana Law Review
  • Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review
  • Maine Law Review
  • Maryland Law Review
  • Michigan Law Review
  • Minnesota Law Review
  • Mississippi Law Journal
  • Montana Law Review
  • National Law Journal
  • Natural Resources Journal
  • Nebraska Law Review
  • New Mexico Law Review
  • New York University Environmental Law Journal
  • New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy
  • North Carolina Law Review
  • North Dakota Law Review
  • Northwestern Univ. Law Review
  • Notre Dame Law Review
  • Ohio State Law Journal
  • Oklahoma Law Review
  • Oregon Law Review
  • Pace Environmental Law Review
  • Pacific Law Journal
  • Public Land & Resource Law Digest
  • Public Land & Resources Law Review
  • Public Land Law Review
  • Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal
  • Rutgers Law Review
  • San Diego Law Review
  • Seton Hall Law Review
  • Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal
  • South Dakota Law Review
  • Southern California Law Review
  • Southwestern Univ. Law Review
  • Stanford Environmental Law Journal
  • Stanford Law Review
  • Temple Environmental Law & Technology Journal
  • Tennessee Law Review
  • Texas Law Review
  • Tulane Law Review
  • Tulsa Law Journal
  • UC Davis Law Review
  • UCLA-Alaska Law Review
  • UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Politics
  • UCLA Law Review
  • Univ. of Chicago Law Review
  • Univ. of Colorado Law Review
  • Univ. of Detroit Journal of Urban Law
  • Univ. of Detroit Law Review
  • Univ. of Detroit Mercy Law Review
  • Univ. of Hawaii Law Review
  • Univ. of Illinois Law Review
  • Univ. of Kansas Law Review
  • Univ. of Miami Law Review
  • Univ. of Pennsylvania Law Review
  • Univ. of Pittsburgh Law Review
  • Utah Law Review
  • Vanderbilt Law Review
  • Virginia Law Review
  • Virginia Environmental Law Journal
  • Virginia Journal of International Law
  • Wake Forest Law Review
  • Washington Law Review
  • Washington Univ. Journal of Urban & Contemporary Law
  • Water Law Newsletter
  • Water Law Review (Univ. of Denver)
  • West Virginia Law Review
  • Wisconsin Law Review
  • Wyoming Law Review
  • Yale Journal on Regulation
  • Yale Law Journal

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Last Updated on 04/17/08