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CongressDaily reflects the day's agenda on Capitol Hill through timely, behind-the-scenes coverage and analysis of House and Senate activity. Our experienced team of reporters maintains privileged access to Capitol Hill, providing our Congressional audience with the insight and foresight that helps them stay ahead of the curve. Each day the publication delivers intelligence on the people and politics behind key debates, important views from K Street and the administration, and how off-the-Hill developments will impact legislative issues.

A.M. Edition  Every morning at 7:00 a.m. when Congress is in session, CongressDaily delivers insider news and legislative analysis. Daily coverage of issues such as taxes, trade, health care, energy, national security, and telecommunications informs readers on the context and impact of developments. This edition is hand-delivered in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area and is also available online.

P.M. Edition  At 3:30 p.m., CongressDaily publishes a concise, nonpartisan report on behind-the-scenes deals, strategies and alliances that have unfolded throughout the day, bringing readers back in the action and preparing them for the next day on Capitol Hill. This edition is only available online.

Employees have access to additional online features including:

  • Ad Spotlight
       The archive of political issue and campaign ads from across the country, dating from 1998
  • Daybook
       The customizable daily calendar of important events both on and off Capitol Hill
  • Earlybird
       The popular early morning summary of the day's top news stories, drawn from the morning papers, newswires, television reports, and more
  • Markup Reports
       In-the-room perspective of key markup sessions
  • Poll Track
       A database of results from every state and national poll
  • Hotline On Call
       A daily blog on American politics and campaigns from the staff of The Hotline
  • The Almanac of American Politics Online
       An essential read for in-depth analysis and at-a-glance political facts with profiles on every member of Congress and governor

U.S. Department of the Interior

The Interior Library


Last Updated on 12/23/08

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