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Climate Change

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2006-1Carbon and Climate Issues for the Electric Power Sector.
PSERC Tele-Seminar (06-13). Dec. 5, 2006.

2006-92006 Energy Symposium: Consider the Alternatives - Options for Energy Production from Non-Carbon Emitting Sources
Audio-slide production(best viewed with IE)

2007-1Energy Market and Economic Impacts of a Proposal to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Intensity with a Cap and Trade System
EIA. Jan. 2007

2007-2IPCC Working Group I Fourth Assessment Report Summary for Policymakers
Audio-Slide Production also available

2007-3Electricity Technology in a Carbon-Constrained Future

2007-4Testimony of Utility CEO's Before Congress
March 21, 2007.

2007-5IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Synthesis Report
November 17, 2007

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change4/3/2008LinkURL
2007-6Assessment of GHG Emission Reduction Alternatives in a Canadian Context. Integrated CO2 Network: A Canadian CO2 Capture and Storage Initiative
December 4, 2007

Prepared by The Delphi Group4/3/2008LinkURL
2008-1US Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources: Testimony on carbon capture, transportation, and sequestration and related bills
January 31, 2008

U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources4/3/2008LinkURL
2008-2DOE Releases Climate VISION Progress Report 2007
February 11, 2008

U.S. Department of Energy4/3/2008LinkURL
2008-3Interim Decision on Basic Greenhouse Gas Regulatory Framework for the Electricity and Natural Gas Sectors
Adopted March 12, 2008

California Energy Commission4/3/2008LinkURL
2008-4Greenhouse Gas Increase from U.S. Power Plants Highest Since 1998
March 18, 2008
For Appendix A-D: Carbon Dioxide Reported Emmissions, see: http://www.environmentalintegrity.org/pub492.cfm

Environmental Integrity Project4/28/2008LinkURL
2008-5New England Not Meeting Global Warming Targets
March 26, 2008

Natural Resources Council of Maine4/28/2008LinkURL
2008-6U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions Rose by 1.6 Percent in 2007. Energy Information Administration.
May 20, 2008.

U.S. Dept. of Energy6/16/2008LinkURL
2008-7Latest Greenhouse Gas Data Shows Canda's Emissions Decreased in 2006.
May 16, 2008

Environment Canada6/16/2008LinkURL

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Last Modified: 11:33:56 6/16/2008