Federal Reserve

Fed's Beige Book
Economic downswing deepens, says Fed
Economic activity around the nation looks weak in early January
Latest survey by the Fed of economic conditions across the country show that the few areas that had been boosters for the economy no longer offer any respite from the gloom.
capitol report
Fault lines emerge at the Fed over its new approach
Policy differences are in the open between Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser. Plosser urges caution one day after Bernanke signals bank is speeding ahead with new policy.
Fed chief: No recovery without more help
Financial crisis persists, Fed's Bernanke says in sobering talk
There will be no "lasting" recovery without more government action and additional money to strengthen the financial system, Fed Chairman Bernanke say in a sober address in London, and the timing and strength of the economic recovery are "highly uncertain."
Central bank policy makers see grim specter
Potential depression, deflation make FOMC grapple with new approach
Members of the Federal Open Market Committee at their mid-December meeting saw increasing risks of depression and deflation as they grappled with employing new tools to stabilize an economy that was rapidly weakening, according to minutes of the meeting.
Key rate cut to zero to 0.25% range
Central bank chief Ben Bernanke and fellow policy makers vow to use "all available tools" to promote growth, including purchasing agency debt and securities in large quantities. Discount rate's slashed to 0.5%.
Bernanke's blueprint for recovery
In plain English, the Fed lays out what investors and consumers can expect as far as interest rates go, not to mention other moves it won't hesitate to take aimed at getting economy back on track.
Text of Federal Open Market Committee's policy statement
Highlights from the Federal Open Market Committee statement on Dec 16

The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to establish a target range for the federal funds rate of 0 to 1/4 percent.

The Federal Reserve will employ all available tools to promote the resumption of sustainable economic growth and to preserve price stability.

The focus of the Committee's policy going forward will be to support the functioning of financial markets and stimulate the economy through open market operations and other measures that sustain the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet at a high level.

The Committee is also evaluating the potential benefits of purchasing longer-term Treasury securities.

Fed sets $800 billion plan to boost lending
Fed takes new actions to ease borrowing costs for Americans, unveiling a plan to lend up to $200 billion to support the issuance of consumer debt like, and purchasing billions in debt and mortgage-backed securities from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Economy at a glance
Jobs: Payrolls plunge 524,000 in Dec.
GDP: Slowdown deepens in Q3
CPI: Prices fall record 1% in Oct.
PPI: Prices drop as gas prices plunge
Fed nuts and bolts

FOMC voting members in 2008

  • Chairman Ben Bernanke
  • Vice Chairman Timothy Geithner, New York Fed
  • Richard Fisher, Dallas Fed
  • Gov. Donald Kohn
  • Gov. Randall Kroszner
  • Gov. Frederic Mishkin
  • Sandra Pianalto, Cleveland Fed
  • Charles Plosser, Philadelphia Fed
  • Gary Stern, Minneapolis Fed
  • Gov. Kevin Warsh

There are two vacancies on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Elizabeth Duke and Larry Klane have been nominated by the president, but have not been confirmed by the Senate.

FOMC 2008 statements/meeting dates

Jan. 21 (unscheduled)
Jan. 29-30
March 18
April 29-30
June 24-25

Aug. 5
Sept. 16
Oct. 28/29
• Dec. 16



Inflation, growth worries heat up
Federal Reserve policymakers are increasingly uncomfortable about the inflation outlook as downside risks to growth have also intensified, says Fed chief Ben Bernanke in his semi-annual report to lawmakers on the economy and monetary policy. 

capitol report
A stronger Fed gains support on Capitol Hill
The Fed gets a major player in its corner that raises the likelihood the central bank will amass new regulatory powers as influential lawmaker Rep. Barney Frank signals he's positively disposed to give the Fed new responsibility.

capitol report
Roots of credit crisis
laid at Greenspan's door

A long-time Fed observer accuses the central bank 
under Alan Greenspan's tenure of "regulatory foot-dragging" that has harmed the public and contributed to today's credit crisis.
Greenspan: I just didn't get it
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