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Internal Parasites

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Veterinary Parasitology
Parasitic Diseases - Karolinska Institutet
Veterinary Clinical Parasitology Images - Oklahoma State University

Veterinary parasitology at North Carolina State University
Parasitology Links - Kansas State University
Introduction to Parasitology - Pipestone Vet Supply
The ParaSite - Pacapacas Farm

Sheep and Goat Parasites
The Internal Parasites that Affect Sheep and Goats
The Secret Lives of Gaot Parasites: The Biology of the Goat
[PDF] Internal Parasite Issues Impacting Grazing Flocks - Michigan State University
Parasites Associated with Meat Goats - Jack & Anita's Boer Goats
Sheep Health and Disease Information - NSW Australia
WormBoss - Australian Wool Innovation Ltd.
[PDF. 1997] Internal Parasites - Utah State University
Merial Sheep Disease Information
Internal Parsites in Sheep - Tasmania, Australia
Common Internal Parasites of Goats in Florida | PDF
Nematodes in Ruminants - Parasol | PDF
[PDF, 2004] Worms in Goats - Northern Territory, Australia

Haemonchus Contortis - UC Davis
Haemonchus - Merial Australia
Barberpole Worms--Parasites of Another Stripe - USDA ARS
[PDF, 2008] Nodule worm of sheep - NSW, Australia

Nematodirus Disease - Moredun Group (UK)
Nematodirus in Lambs - C.A.H.L.
Nematodirus - Merial Australia
Oesophagostomum (nodule worm) - Merial Australia
Nematodirosis - NADIS Sheep Articles

Tapeworms (Cestodes)
Moniezia expansa - Ohio State University
Out of Africa: The Origins of Tapeworms - USDA ARS
Moniezia - Merial Australia
Tapeworms - Bayer Health Care
Tapeworms : The Cestodes - WormLearn
Tapeworm (Moniezia expansa) and its effect on sheep production: the evidence reviewed

Lungworms - University of Aberdeen
Lungworms - Tennessee Meat Goats
Lungworm Infection: Introduction - Merck Veterinary Manual
[PDF, 2008] Lungworms in cattle, sheep, and goats - NSW, Australia

Meningeal Worm (Parelaphostrongylus Tenuis)
[PDF] P. tenuis – The White-tailed Deer Parasite - Michigan State University

[PDF] Meningeal Worms in Sheep, Goats, and Llamas - University of Georgia
[PDF] Prevention of Meningeal Worm Infection - University of Georgia
Meningeal Worm Infection in Goats - Onion Creek Ranch
Parelaphostrongylus Tenuis (Meningeal Worm) - GoatConnection
Meningeal Worm -
Diagnosing and Treating Meningeal Worms - GoatWorld
[PDF] Meningeal Worms (Brain Worms) & Liver Flukes (Deer Flukes) - Michigan State University
Parelaphostrongylus (Brainworm) Infection in Deer and Elk - University of Saskatchewan
[PDF] Quest for a Meningeal Worm Vaccine - Alpaca Research Foundation

Liver Flukes (Fasciola hepatica)
Liver Flukes in Michigan
Fasciola hepatica: Common liver fluke - Merial Australia
Common Liver Fluke - Merck Veterinary Manual
[PDF, 2006] Liver Fluke Disease and the Liver Fluke Snail - Western Australia
Liver fluke: the basics - NSW, Australia | Full version [PDF, 2008]
Identifying Liver Fluke Snails - NSW Australia | Full Version [PDF, 2007]
Liver fluke disease in sheep and cattle - NSW, Australia | Full version [PDF, 2007]
[PDF, 2003] Treatment and control of liver fluke in sheep and cattle - SAC UK
[PDF, 2007] Fluke control in sheep - SAC, UK
[PDF, 2005] Liver fluke disease in sheep - Quality Meat Scotland
Liver fluke in goats - Goat-link™ logo 
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Last updated 13-Nov-2008 by Susan Schoenian.
