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Photos from the Bridgeport Regional Vocational Aquaculture School Program

(in cooperation with China - U.S. aquaculture exchange program)

Photo of the Bridgeport Regional Vocational Aquaculture School in Connecticut

Bridgeport High School

Dr. Yarish and Chinese exchange professor He Weining assist in Nori sporing porcess in the school's aquaculture laboratory, in a cooperative with the University of Connecticut.

Students and teachers working with porphyra

Collection of growth data for Bay Scallops for statistical analysis

Students measuring scallops.

Young Porphyra sporeling in nylon nets.

Microsopic view of young porphyra


A juvenile Red Claw Crayfish being measured in a study in cooperation with the University of Connecticut.

Red Claw Crayfish

A Channel Catfish from one of the school's recirculating systems.


Photo of net system

Ikata system for Nori cultivation assembled for demonstration in the school's boatyard.

Picture on the Catherine Moore

Aboard the School's M/V Catherine Moore, students maintain scallop cages at the school's summer farm in Long Island Sound.


Photo of a cooperative activity
with NMFS, Milford laboratory.
Students assist in Bay Scallop
Culture in Long Island Sound.

Bay Scallop Culture photo

Hanging shellfish net socks.



Students hang sock containing Chondrus Chrispus for cultivation experiment.


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