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The training dates for 2009 are out. You can download a copy by clicking this link. Training at Purdue's West Lafayette campus at the William Daniel Turf Grass Research Center click here for a map.

We've added something new-Movie Clips:
Click here to see the new "Preventing Glugging" movie.

Here it is. The newest publication. Check it out, PPP-78 Pesticide Benefits Assessment.

Updates on book:
New information has been added to "The Complete Federal and State Compliance Guide for Hoosier Business" book.


Building Professionalism Through Education

Purdue Pesticide Programs (PPP), a function of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service (CES), has a unique, interdisciplinary purpose relative to pesticide issues. Its mission encompasses implementation of pesticide education outreach programs directed at pesticide user groups and the general public.


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Purdue Pesticide Programs
Purdue University
Lilly Hall of Life Sciences
915 W. State Street
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2054

Phone: 765 494-4566
FAX: 765 496-1556
Website url: www.btny.purdue.edu/PPP

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subject to the Image Use Statement.

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