Services for Canadian organic farmersHelp with getting your produce sold at the best priceCommunicate with other organic farmersFarming AnnouncementsGive us your feedback on this siteFarming Business & FinanceNews for Organic FarmersQuestions and AnswersAbout organic seedsOrganic AquacultureUseful LinksSponsors for the Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers web site

Cyber-help for organic farming in Canada

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The Certified Organic Associations of BC provides support for this site: encouraging organic and alternative food production in Canada by improving accessibility to organic farming content online.

Our objective is to encourage organic and alternative food production in Canada by improving accessibility to quality organic farming content online, while upgrading farmers' capacities to access that information. This will help to provide farmers and prospective farmers with the tools to function effectively in the new economy.
Note: Because we realize that a significant proportion of farmers are located in remote areas and don't have access to, or cannot afford, high-speed Internet access, we have made this site quick-loading and therefore dial-up friendly.

For our first two years, we were supported by a federal Canadian government grant. During this time we developed the Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers web site into one of the best online farming resources. We started in BC but quickly became a service for Canadian farmers - and many others too. Some of our material has a BC emphasis but we welcome input from across the country. Because this kind of funding cannot be extended, we have sought sponsorship from other sources.

Our sponsors have stepped forward to support the continuation of this web site and its associated services. We appreciate their vision and encourage you to take a look at our Sponsors Page and support them in whatever ways work for you.

In the LEARNING Learning resources for organic farming portion of the website, you will find organic farming production (livestock, vegetable, fruit, specialty crop, greenhouse) information as well as connections to great resources on soil, marketing, farm equipment, organic farm certification, on-farm food safety, small scale food processing, and how to use your computer and the internet..

On the SERVICES Services for Organic Farmers side of the web site visitors will find timely market information including prices, organic farming news, organic seed sources, Canadian farming announcements, useful farming links and a "business of farming" page.

NEW in this section:
Corporate Ownership of Organic Companies Corporate Ownership of Organic Companies - January 2008 update
Organic Seed Sources News section has farming videos
Organic vegetable and fruit prices Organic vegetable and fruit prices - updated frequently

To easily tell us what you need, or help us improve our site, go to our feedback form. And please, if the opportunity arises, say thank you to our sponsors, without whom this venture would not be possible.

The Cyber-Help Project Team
Rochelle Eisen - Principal Coordinator of the BC Certified Organic Program's RCBTOA Project, brings over nine years of organic inspector and adult education teaching experience. "It has always been my dream to be a pivotal element of BC's vital agricultural society, as sustainable agriculture and environmentally sensitive horticulture are the building blocks of healthy communities." E-mail Rochelle at
Jeffrey Newman - JN Web Design
Maddi Newman - Keyboard Graphic Design

Learning about organic farmingMarketingSoilsVegetable ProductionFruit ProductionGrains and Forage ProductionSpecialty CropsGreenhouse ProductionLivestock ProductionOrganic CertificationFarm Animal WelfareOn-Farm Food Safety

Organic Farming Forum

Site Map for Cyber-Help for Organic farmers

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Original material in this website may be reproduced in any form without permission on condition that it is accredited to Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers, with a link back to this site or, in the case of printed material, a clear indication of the site URL. We would appreciate being notified of such use. Although care has been taken in preparing the information contained in this web site, Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy thereof. Anyone using the information does so at their own risk and shall be deemed to indemnify Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers, from any and all injury or damage arising from such use.

JN Web Design