Projects in Focus

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Strengthening export market linkages and domestic farm-to-market channels in Tanzania Increasing private sector employment opportunities in Southern Sudan Expanding financial services to enterprises in Pakistan Strengthening property rights and resolving conflicts in East Timor

Where We Work

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We've just released a new general video: Empowering People. Watch the three-minute condensed version of it now.

Food Crisis Team Issues Paper

After much international discussion and collaboration, ACDI/VOCA's Global Food Crisis Team issues a food crisis position paper that presents our thinking on how we can be most effective.

ACDI/VOCA's World Report Gets a New Look

The reformatted Fall 2008 issue of the World Report is now available.


January 6, 2009

New Project Won—Southern Sudan: Generating Economic Development through Microfinance in Southern Sudan

December 17, 2008

ACDI/VOCA Launches First Market Information System in Armenia

December 15, 2008

Guenette Speaks on Access to Markets at InterAction Workshop

December 12, 2008

ACDI/VOCA President Named Chair of the Alliance for Global Food Security