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Project Number 514
Date of Summary February 23, 2006
Subject Dispersant Effectiveness testing on Heavy OCS Crude Oils a Ohmsett
Performing Activity S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ld
Principal Investigator Randy Belore
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Completed

Project will determine the limiting viscosity for the effectiveness of chemical dispersants applied to viscous U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) crude oils from the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific OCS.

Will conduct physical and chemical analysis of the acquired crude oils to categorize them based on properties.

Will conduct small scale wave tank dispersant effectiveness on all twenty crude oil samples. These experiments will be conduced using Corexit 9500 applied at the standard 1:20 dispersant to oil ratio (DOR). Will also conduct large wave tank dispersant effectiveness experiments on viscous OCS heavy crude oils from the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific OCS.

Progress The test oils were acquired and analyzed. Small scale dispersant effectiveness experiments were run in February 2005. The Ohmsett experiments were successfully conduced in April 2005. The final report has been accepted by MMS. This project is complete.

There are 96 film clips embedded into the final report. When reading the final report, click on the blue icon to see the desired film clip.

1a 4d 8b 12d 14c 17a
1b 5a 8c 12e 14d 17b
1c 5b 8d 12f 14e 17c
2a 5c 9a 12g 14f 17d
2b 5d 9b 12h 14g 18a
2c 6a 9c 12i 14h 18b
2d 6b 10b 13b 15b 18c
3a 6c 10c 13c 15c 18d
3b 6d 10d 13d 15d 19a
3c 6e 11a 13e 15e 19b
3d 7a 11b 13f 15f 19c
3e 7b 11c 13g 15g 19d
3f 7c 11d 13h 16a 20a
4a 7d 12a 13i 16b 20b
4b 7e 12b 14a 16c 20c
4c 8a 12c 14b 16d  
AA  (21 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Dispersant Effectiveness testing on Viscous U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Crude Oils”, SL Ross Environmental Research Ld., Ottawa, ON, 16pp. January 2006

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