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Project Number 240
Date of Summary November 22, 2000
Subject Development of a Frequency Scanning Radiometer to Measure Oil Slick Thickness, Phase II
Performing Activity USAF / MIT, Lincoln Laboratory
Principal Investigator Dr. Thomas J. Murphy
Contracting Agency United States Air Force
Estimated Completion January 2001
Description Development of an all-weather, airborne instrument capable of measuring oil thickness over an oil-slick area in real time.
Progress Analysis of the results from Ohmsett testing of the Ka-band radiometer has been completed. Laboratory testing of the W-band instrument is also complete. No Ohmsett testing of the W-band system was contemplated. There have been continuing problems with the stability of electronic components in this state of the art system. Therefore, the development of a prototype of a dual band microwave radiometer based oil slick thickness sensor for installation in a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter has been indefinitely deferred. Instead, the draft final report outline has been revised to be a summary of the work accomplished, lessons learned from the research and the possible future directions for sensor development.

This is a cooperative research effort with the U.S. Coast Guard.


AA (185 KB; 5 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). Hover, Gary L., `USCG R&D Center Conducts Research in Tactical Oil Spill Surveillance Technology`, Proceedings of the Marine Safety Council, January 28, 1997
AB (5,218 KB; 256 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). Murphy, T.W., and McMahon, O.B., Quick-Look Analysis Results of Data Collected at OHMSETT During September 1996 Using a Ka-Band Radiometer to Estimate Oil Thickness, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts, January 1997.
AC (1402 KB; 80  pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). Hover, G.L., Shemo, R., and J.T. Parr, Design and Test of a Multichannel Ka-Band Radiometer for the Thickness of Oil Firms on Water, US Coast Guard Report No. CG-D-09-98, December 1997.
AD Murphy, T. J. 1999. Dual Band (Ka and W) Radiometry to Estimate Oil Slick Thickness. MIT Lincoln Laboratory. 57pp. (DRAFT) (Out of Print)


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