Trisler Seed Farms, Inc.
Products Company Local News

It's not just seed... It's an investment!®

Decisions.  As planning is underway for the 2009 crop, it is easy to get caught up in the decision making process.  Agriculture is experiencing one of its better cycles and farmers have an opportunity to maximize earning potential.  At a time of top potential, input decisions are so important to the success of the business.

Diversity.  When it comes to the seed purchase decision, the margin for error is razor thin.  Many times seed products are selected by reviewing only the "plot" winners and selecting from them.  This approach would be like always trying to pick the winning stock in an investment portfolio.  The view is much like that of a rear view mirror, perfectly accurate, rarely predictive.

Differentiate.  Trisler Seeds, Inc. offers a different approach.  We consider your seed purchase our investment in your success.  Our product offerings are built around consistency, both yield and agronomic.  A Trisler seed portfolio looks more like a mutual fund rather than a plot winner list.  Granted, we have our fair share of plot winners, but with the risk-reward proposition so high, we spend our time recommending a portfolio of products.  Spreading your risk and maximizing your potential is the key.

Determination.  Trisler products are currently among the industry leaders.  Yet, we are determined to improve the offering.  Our goal is to simplify the offering and close the performance gap from top to bottom.  From our top products to the bottom products, you'll find the performance gap to be very thin.  That is consistency, a group of products that provide a consistent, stable experience to maximize the potential of your farm.

Develop.  This is where it counts.  Let your Trisler representative develop a profit potential action plan for your farm.  You'll find that the investment approach is more of a value approach.  This approach is constantly increasing the value created from our products.

As you plan your seed needs for 2009, consider the overall picture. Let your Trisler professional help you develop an agronomic plan. By working together, 2009 can be a productive, successful year.

Trisler Product Information

Trisler Hybrids
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Trisoy Beans
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Small Seeds
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Zones and Charts
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