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Sept. 16th, 2008

The corn and soybean sections are updated for 2009 with 14 new corn hybrids and 7 new soybean varieties.
grain section

Sept. 4th, 2008

Two new wheat varieties were added to the grain section.


Request your
copy of our
2009 Commercial Vegetable Catalog.




For over 55 years, Rupp Seeds has been in business selling seed and seed care products to farmers and producers. Our goal is to help our customers realize success by first achieving a healthy plant stand, which is a key milestone in producing a crop. Our extensive product selection will help producers answer that first critical question - Which variety should I plant?

Naturally, this is a more complicated question than just simply picking a variety. Management practices, history of disease and insect pressure, and geography are also factors in variety selection. We believe that our emphasis on research, product development, and product sourcing makes it possible for us to offer our customers the best hybrid and variety selections available.

As we continue to work on our web site, we hope it will become a tool that our customers can use in making their variety selections. For now, it can introduce you to our company and provide a means for you to contact our sales staff with specific product questions.

Please take a moment to browse around and let us know what we can do to improve the usefulness of our site.


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