“If it’s important to you, it matters to us. We’re farmers, too.” Steve Ottilie, president and CEO

Ottilie RO® Seed Mission Statement
As a family-owned independent seed company, our mission is to earn the trust and loyalty of our customers by offering the best quality seed possible in the best genetics available with the traits they need at prices that are fair to the customers and to Ottilie RO® Seed. In doing this, we must sustain business growth so that we can provide a fair return on investment to the owners of the company and be able to provide our employees with meaningful jobs and incomes.

Steven D. Ottilie

Jane Ottilie Frimml
Vice President

2008-2009 Seed Catalog is Now Available
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What Sets Ottilie RO® Seed Apart?

The value of family ownership is something we can measure. Steve Ottilie and Jane Ottilie Frimml never forget that the name on every bag of seed we sell is also their name. If a batch of seed doesn’t meet our company standards we’ll discard it!

Declaring Our Independence Every Day

The Ottilie family stands committed to independent seed production and marketing. In 1917, on a farm his father homesteaded in the 1860s, our grandfather began selling soybean seed. Today we’re still in the seed business, on that very same farm.

Straightforward Financing Solution Makes Timely Ordering Profitable

There is no hidden trap in our financing program. Our Farm Plan® financing option is based on the prime rate minus 1%—that’s a straightforward arrangement to enable you to make seed purchases early.

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