
Jansen and the Beanstalk

Rich Jansen
Mary Ann Jansen


You have all heard about the story about "Jack and The Beanstalk." Well here's a new modern day version of that story. Rich and Mary Ann Jansen of Gretna, Nebraska, our Merschman Dealer located just outside of Omaha, Nebraska called me last summer and told me "Joe you can't believe how tall my one field of Merschman Soybeans are this year. They are over my head and loaded with pods. I will e-mail you some pictures".

I received the pictures and couldn't believe my eyes. Rich is a tall person, over 6 feet and the beans were taller than him. I asked what did you do to the beans?  He said "I applied some chicken manure, that's the only thing I did different". So what did they yield? Rich reported back the field average was 89 bushels per acre.  The beans were starting to lean but had no problem harvesting them. Impressive to stay the least!

Thanks Rich and Mary Ann for sharing this amazing "beanstalk" story which, believe me, is no fairy tale.

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