Quality Management System

Ensuring your business maintains its Quality Management System strictly has become an international requirement to continue dealing with selected customers & for export purposes. ProducePak QMS solution provides business wide management of ISO x, HACCP, EurepGAP, GlobalGAP, BRC, and more...


Farm ERP & Management

Discover how to reduce farm operational expenses and improve reporting and staff management for production of fruit and vegetables... Enhance farm and production


Food Manufacturing

ProducePak delivers new levels of control to the food
manufacturing process. ProducePak Food Manufacturing ERP provides comprehensive management of the entire food manufacturing process including inventory management, manufacturing traceability, food safety, manufacturing...


Packhouse Management

Uncover new levels of productivity in your packhouse by implementing ProducePak Packhouse Management. The system provides a host of business improvements ranging from...



"ProducePak has provided us with the seamless quality control & traceability our operation was looking for. Our customers are satisfied and confident with ProducePak traceability, and we are saving money using the excellent business analysis tools." Ron Gleason, CEO of HILL SIDE GARDENS, Canada

"Brenn-B Farms purchased ProducePak for the ability to meet the retail demand of strict and Instant traceability & quality protocols, but in the process realized impressive benefits from solid packhouse and farm management reporting.  Equally as impressive as the software, their talented support team has customer service that is distinguished and extremely professional.” Shawn Brenn, OPERATIONS MANAGER of BRENN-B FARMS, Canada

“Our business has increased food safety and quality management systems as a result of implementing ProducePak.  The system has allowed our business to improve operational efficiency and reduce operating costs through the softwares business management features; whilst ensuring our traceability and customer confidence in our produce … “  Olof Oscarsson, PRESIDENT, TORPS GARD, Sweden

ProducePak News
Farm ERP

ProducePak Expands to USA Berries

Washington, USA.

ProducePak welcomes new clients in assorted berry producing regions; as new clients in the USA implement ProducePak Farm & Packhouse ERP. Products under production include frozen value add products, and assorted fresh berry products.

Food Manufacturing

ProducePak Expands in Canada

Southern Canada.

ProducePak welcomes two new and innovative Canadian clients in the southern region of Canada. Solutions implemented include Farm ERP and comprehensive Packhouse management with mobile solutions.

Packhouse Software

Mushroom Production Solution

Texas, USA.

ProducePak analysts perform an onsite analysis of one of the USA's most innovative and successful mushroom producers for the provision of a business wide ERP management system.

Quality Control

Nation-wide Solution

Central Africa.

ProducePak Analysts perform an analysis of the coffee processing industry for the improvement of traceability, quality, and manufacturing management. The solution will eventuate in each processing facility in the country running ProducePak Food Manufacturing ERP

Quality Assurance

ProducePak Expands in Sth. Africa

Southern African Regions.

ProducePak further expands its client base with the addition of green house farming clientele in the South African regions.

Farm Software

ProducePak Expands in Middle East & North Africa

ProducePak welcomes 12 new clients in the region, implementing Farm ERP, Packhouse, and Food Manufacturing solutions. Client products include frozen products, and fresh lines including tomato, pepper, grape, strawberry, lettuce, herb lines, citrus, and other specialty products predominantly for European export markets.

ProducePak to open Dubai office

Dubai, UAE.

ProducePak and premium partner Modern Technology will create a new representation in Dubai to service the UAE's rapidly expanding food manufacturing industries.

ProducePak to open Saudi office

Saudi Arabia.

ProducePak and premium partner Modern Technology will create a new representation in Saudi Arabia to service farming and fruit and vegetable processing industries.


ProducePak Announces AR/AP/GL

Head Office, Australia.

ProducePak announces the addition of Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger functionality to be added to the range of Farm, Packhouse, and Food Manufacturing ERP products. Construction of the new systems commences in July 2008.

New development office opens

Cairo, Egypt.

Under European management, a new software development office has been opened. The new office features state of the art equipment, cooked meals for staff, pool/snooker room, entertainment, and ongoing training; to ensure a creative, innovate, and productive environment for team members.

Parmalat Factory Tour & Seminar

Bologna, Italy.

ProducePak analysts attend a tour of one of Italy's leading food manufacturer, Parmalat in the Bologna region of Italy. The Parmalat facility boasts state of the art food processing and handling practices.

Traceability Seminar

Parma, Italy.

ProducePak analysts attend a food traceability and modernization seminar in Parma Italy, as part of the ProducePak ongoing commitment to food safety and traceability training. Other events attended include Food Manufacturing exhibitions in the region.