Bo-Jac Soybean Seed & Corn Seed
American Seed Company
Hybrid Corn Seed Map Zone
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About Bo-Jac Seed Company

Dear Bo-Jac Customer and Friend,

2009 marks our 65th year of serving you and your neighbors seed needs. Never before have there been so many trait options to overcome today's pest challenges. However, with so many choices, the seed selection decision becomes even more complex.

Our goal at Bo-Jac is to help each customer choose the best product for each field situation. By using our multiple brand strategy we offer one of the most diverse line-up of trait options in the Seed Industry. Each need can be custom fitted by balancing great genetics and traits with a price that fits your budget.

Please give one of our Seed & Trait Specialists a call. They have the training to help you navigate through the confusing sea of trait options.

The Bo-Jac difference...honest, straight-forward recommendations without the "spin".

Tim Scroggin
President, Bo-Jac Seed Company

Gateway Seed Corn
Soybean Seed Seller


Cash discount of 5% through February 15th

Current Offers on Seed Corn & Soybean Seed
Copyright 2009   Bo-Jac Seed Company. All Rights Reserved.

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