Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Mineral Resources Program - Alaska Section

Thumbnail of 1980 Geologic Map of Alaska sample graphic.

Statewide Geologic Maps for Alaska

These digital data sets are derived from published 1:2,500,000 geologic and thematic maps of Alaska. Details of the processing are documented in the metadata files which accompany each coverage.

At this time only polygon coverages (geologic areas, etc.) are available or planned. If you would like to see line coverages (e.g. faults), point coverages (sample locations) or amls with explanatory text, etc (in order to be able to re-print the paper maps) please send comments to the address below.

All data sets are presented as compressed tar files of Arc/Info V7.x coverages or Arc/Info Export files. Please see Download Help for additional help in downloading these data sets.

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