How To Buy...

Options strategies have a pragmatic side

Options can be aggressive plays; they’re volatile, levered and speculative. But their pragmatic side is frequently overlooked. Some simple, straightforward options strategies offer limited risk and considerable upside.

How to buy ... hedge funds
Hedge funds can contribute return that isn’t closely tied to global stock and bond markets, providing diversity. But beware: this summer's volatility hit many hedge-fund investors.
Chris Cordaro: An alternative source of power

How to buy ... futures
Futures are speculative, leveraged instruments and aggressive traders can lose big, but these derivatives also can be prudent ways to diversify portfolios and hedge against losses in volatile markets.

Timely strategies for buying derivatives
With global markets on edge, it’s more important than ever to consider opportunistic strategies and defensive approaches beyond holding stocks, bonds and cash. Derivatives and hedge funds can spice up a portfolio’s return and offset volatility. In this three-day special report we'll tell you what to watch for and what to watch out for when investing in hedge funds, futures and options.

Timeless ideas, advice and tips on buying stocks, bonds, real estate, currencies, annuities and more from our previous installment of the How to Buy series.

Go with the goods
How do you buy stocks? Look at the price-to-earnings-growth ratio and the corporate balance sheet. Don't base decisions on hunches or headlines.
• Expanded markets coverage

It's not just performance
Investigate expenses, risk, manager tenure and tax-efficiency are qualities before you buy.

Resist temptation to trade
ETFs have gone mainstream, but these popular investment vehicles have costly pitfalls.
• More mutual fund, ETF news

The low-risk accessory?
Treasurys market's number of options presents investors with an important choice: Should you go solo or seek funds' expertise?

Give me land, lots of land
Investing in real estate probably won’t produce get-rich-quick results, but for those willing to do the homework and properly manage a piece of property, rewards can be big.
More real estate news and tools

Risks and rewards
How to trade and invest in one of the market's most volatile sectors.
• See data, tools on futures contracts

Hard, cold cash
Foreign currency investing is no longer exclusive to the world’s most sophisticated traders.
• See major foreign exchange rates

Choose carefully
The guaranteed income from annuities holds appeal, but investors should be wary of fees, restrictions.

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