Health Care

Cardinal Health profit growth exceeds expectations
 Profit growth comes in well ahead of expectations for the drug distributor's third quarter thanks to repricing of large retail accounts and the renewal of anti-diversion efforts, and the Dublin, Ohio-based company holds fast on full-year earnings projection.

CVS Caremark's first-quarter profit jumps 83%
Vital Signs
Confronting inequities
As health-care costs rise, middle-
class Americans are grappling with a growing sense of unfairness about the share they pay for what they get..
How to stay ahead
of your doctor

Make a list of your symptoms and questions before your doctor's visit to get he most out of your physician's expertise.
Merck setback on cholesterol drug
FDA turns down Cordaptive, but blue-chip drugmaker vows to submit additional data to secure approval. Merck affirms 2008 financial outlook, but shares take a beating.

Bristol-Myers Squibb holds firm on 2008
Lower quarterly profit comes amid restructuring charges, but Plavix rebound bolsters top-line performance. Management affirms confidence in ability to hit full-year earnings target. 

AstraZeneca plays defense over generics
Key drugs Avonex and Rituxan shine for Biogen Idec
Signs of life at Schering-Plough
GlaxoSmithKline fends with growing threat of generic competition
Wyeth shows precious little evidence of growth in March quarter
Genzyme's profit can't keep pace with 25% revenue growth
Eli Lilly's first-quarter profit doubles
Novartis profit tops forecasts

Genentech earnings rise 47% on strong sales of anti-cancer drug
Genentech Inc. posts an earnings jump of 47% for the fourth quarter on strong sales of its line of anti-cancer drugs.

Abbott Labs to acquire Advanced Medical Optics for $2.8 billion
Abbott Labs agrees to purchase Advanced Medical Optics in a $2.8 billion deal, including assumed debt, representing a fat acquisition premium, as it expands its medical-product services to meet new demand overseas.

Wasatch fund manager plays defense with stocks, cash
“Go anywhere” mutual funds have a certain appeal. Independent-minded managers get to think outside the box and aren’t locked into a specific type of stock or sector.

Wanted: A surgeon general who can cut to the chase on health
The U.S. Surgeon General may be best known for cigarette warnings that helped to cut the percentage of American smokers in half over 40 years.

Health coverage takes big bite out of unemployment checks
For most newly unemployed workers, maintaining family health coverage through an extension of workplace benefits is a prohibitively expensive proposition, a new study suggests.

Fourth-quarter earnings 'disaster' sets 2009 up for mild recovery
For any company not tied to consumer must-haves like health care and groceries, earnings in the fourth quarter likely made the same swan dive as the broader economy.

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