
"Market bottom by year-end"
Ford Equity's valuation model shows stocks to be very undervalued. 
Poison for the Ivy League
Poodle skirts and dividends... Welcome to 1958  
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Most recommended stocks
By investment letters as of December 10, 2008
General Electric (GE)19
Microsoft (MSFT)17
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)16
Pfizer (PFE)16
Source: Hulbert Interactive
Analyst Upgrades/Downgrades
This month in Hulbert Financial Digest
• The best are bullish; the rest are not. That's the conclusion to emerge from a comparison of the consensus among the market timers who've beaten a buy-and-hold and the consensus of the market laggards.
• New newsletter profiles: Louis Rukeyser's Mutual Funds; Nate's Notes; The Oberweis Report; and Systems & Forecasts.
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Cabot's remains bullish on China
Newsletter is out of the market for now, but says a bull run is coming.  
More from Peter Brimelow
The Guru's Corner
January Effect vs. January Barometer

Whether or not the "January Effect" materializes this year has several implications, says Jeffrey A. Hirsch.

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Top-performing newsletters
Over 12 months, through November 30, 2008
Source: The Hulbert Financial Digest
Crawford Perspectives         +42.7%
Peter Eliades' Stockmarket Cycles         +21.3%
Elliott Wave Financial Forecast+19.5%

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