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Monetary Awards - Waste Reduction (Pollution Prevention Awards)

About Pollution Prevention Awards

The Laboratory recognizes employees or groups of employees for their Pollution Prevention successes (i.e. minimized or eliminated waste, conserved water, electricity or natural gas; reduced air pollution; or procured environmentally preferable products).

The Pollution Prevention Award is coordinated by the Risk Reduction Office’s Pollution Prevention Team. Guidelines and call for nomination are issued annually and awards are presented in April.


These cash awards will be presented to recognize the Pollution Prevention successes of individuals or teams that have minimized waste; conserved water, electricity or natural gas; reduced air pollution; or procured environmentally preferable products. However, subcontractors are asked to provide the cash award to their subcontractors.

The Pollution Prevention Awards are open to all LANS employees and subcontractor employees who work at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Rules and Guidelines for Award Nominations

  • All nominations require the signed endorsement of a Laboratory manager (group or above).
  • Individuals or teams may be nominated.
  • Teams may consist of up to twenty (20) LANS and subcontractor employees.
  • Laboratory managers and subcontractor employees will receive an award certificate in lieu of a cash award.
  • Nominations are due in April.
  • Pollution Prevention award winners will be notified in April.
  • Awards will be presented to the winners in April.
  • The official nomination form for the Pollution Prevention Award is available on the Internet.

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