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Monetary Awards - Employee Referral Incentive Program

Under the Employee Referral Incentive Program, which was launched in 2001, hiring officials may pay a Los Alamos National Security (LANS) employee up to $2,000 for identifying a suitable candidate from outside the Laboratory for a job requiring "critical, highly competitive, skills, knowledge, and experience." The program was designed for positions with a documented difficulty for recruiting applicants over a period of time. If the candidate is hired by LANS, the referral incentive will be paid within 90 days.

» what's new (fall 2008) «

Strategic Hiring for Engineers

The engineering and engineering-related directorates are experiencing short and long-term staffing needs across various engineering disciplines. To locate the most highly qualified candidates, Laboratory employees are encouraged to refer suitable external applicants and may qualify for a cash incentive of up to $1,500 under the existing Employee Referral Incentive Program.

Laboratory employees will receive a cash incentive of $1,500 for successfully referring external candidates for the following critical job openings:

  • Job No. 215285, Regular, Fire Protection Engineer 3
  • Job No. 216445, Regular, Engineer 3
  • Job No. 216448, Regular, Engineering Technologist 3

Laboratory employees will receive a cash incentive of $1,000 for successfully referring external candidates for the following critical job openings:

  • Job No. 216444, Regular, Engineer 2
  • Job No. 216446, Regular, Engineering Technologist 2

Laboratory employees will receive a cash incentive of $500 for successfully referring external candidates for the following critical job openings:

  • Job No. 216443, Regular, Engineer 1

Program Details: Employee Referral Incentive

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is authorized to provide an Employee Referral Incentive that will pay LANS employees an incentive for referring qualified external candidates who are hired as regular, full-time LANS employees at LANL. The Employee Referral Incentive Program is designed to bring previously unidentified prospective candidates from outside the Laboratory to the attention of hiring managers.


Laboratory Employees Eligible to Receive Incentive

Eligible: LANS employees, except for the ineligible categories noted below.

Ineligible: Members of the Senior Executive Team, Laboratory recruiters, Search Committee members, and Human Resources staff. Managers/supervisors are not eligible for referrals within their chain of command. Individuals from these employee populations are encouraged to refer candidates, but they will not be eligible for incentives.

Eligible Referrals

Incentive referrals are limited to the hiring of external candidates for regular, full-time LANS positions. Part-time, limited-term, student, post-doctoral, and casual positions are ineligible for this incentive. Within these restrictions, an employee may refer a qualified external candidate to an opening if

  • the candidate is not currently employed by the Laboratory, and
  • the candidate has not been assigned to the Laboratory as a contractor within 90 days before being referred, or
  • the candidate is a former employee who left the Laboratory more than one year before being referred.

Positions Eligible for Incentive Referrals

Referral incentives may be offered for regular, full-time LANS positions. Part-time, limited-term, student, post-doctoral, and casual positions are ineligible for this incentive. Within these restrictions, employee referral incentives are to be used at the hiring officials’ discretion when

  • a position requires critical, highly competitive skills, knowledge, and experience that are essential to the success of LANL programs, and
  • there is documented difficulty recruiting applicants with the particular skills, knowledge, and experience over a period of time.

Hiring officials also may choose not to offer this incentive.

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Referral Process

The hiring official will evaluate each position before it is posted to determine whether the position is eligible and what incentive amount would be appropriate. LANL will pay $200 to $2,000 per referral, depending on the degree of difficulty in filling the position. The incentive amount is determined by the hiring official in advance of the job posting. An Employee Referral Incentive Authorization, Form 1749 (pdf), needs to be completed and approval of the cognizant division leader and group leader, or designees, is required.

The amount of the incentive for a specific job will be posted on the job advertisement. Prospective candidates should submit their applications online using the Jobs@LANL website.

The hiring official has the sole discretion to determine if an employee is entitled to a referral incentive under these guidelines. In the case of multiple referrals for the same candidate, the referral incentive will be split equally. The decision of the hiring official is final, and the payment or nonpayment of incentive referrals may not be a subject of a grievance under IMP 791 (pdf).

LANL will review the program periodically for its effectiveness and may discontinue it at any time.


The incentive will be paid after the referred employee's ninetieth (90th) calendar day of employment. The incentive will be paid in a lump sum and is a non-base pay. The referral incentive is subject to applicable taxes and will not be included as compensation for purposes of retirement calculations.

Contact Bonnie Townsend, 505-665-1850, for more information.

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