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Teaching & Technology Brown Bag Seminars

The Center for Instructional Excellence (CIE) and Instructional Technology at Purdue (ITaP) invite you to join us for this fall's Teaching and Technology Brown Bag seminars. Bring your lunch and listen, in a relaxed setting, as faculty describe different ways they use technology in their teaching. Registration is not necessary.


Johannes Strobel


Cultivating Amateurism: 10 ways social computing can change your classroom


STEW 318


Wednesday, October 8, 12:30-1:30


Johannes utilized blogging as a form of participatory design including students in the design of the course to increase ownership, creating a cycle of writing, reflecting, rewriting, and creating a culture of discourse, which went beyond the classroom. The presentation will focus on lessons learned, particularly in the area of community building within a course and the cultivation of different iterations of writing. The presentation will argue the value of amateurish inputs of students as a necessary steps to well-formed professional outcomes.


Erina MacGeorge


Clickers in Large Lecture: Student Feedback and Implications




Wednesday, November 12, 12:30-1:30


This talk will present findings from a two-semester study involving nearly 2000 Purdue students, including multiple surveys, focus group interviews, and classroom observations. Student perceptions of the technology's 'pros' and 'cons' are associated with student characteristics, instructor practices, and overall outcomes for courses (e.g., students' reports of learning, course evaluations).


Brownbag Seminar Multimedia Archive
  • 2008 Seminars
  • 2007 Seminars
  • 2006 Seminars
  • 2005 Seminars
  • 2004 Seminars
  • 2003 Seminars

    For more information contact:

    Christian Reiner - creiner@purdue.edu
    Assessment and Evaluation Specialist
    Center for Instructional Excellence