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eInstruction Classroom Performance System for Instructors

The eInstruction Classroom Performance System consists of a radio frequency receiver in the classroom, response pads in the hands of the students, and a versatile software package that allows quizzing, polling, and more.

The eInstruction CPSrf response pads can be ordered through the bookstore just like ordering a textbook. The cost for your students is around 20$ and one response pad can be used for multiple classes. There is no cost to the instructor.
picture of clickers
eInstruction Enhances Teaching and Learning
The eInstruction system can add interactivity to your classroom, even if your classroom is a large lecture with 500 students. With the receiver and response pads, you can give short quizzes, take attendance, play learning games, instantly assess students' comprehension of your lecture, and more. See http://www.einstruction.com for examples of how eInstruction can be used in your classroom.

eInstruction Availibility
eInstruction receivers are installed in all Technology in the Classroom sites. eInstruction CPS 5.01.1091.0 software is installed in all ITaP labs and TIC sites.

Getting Started
If you would like to use the eInstruction system in your classroom, please contact itap@purdue.edu. You should also attend an eInstruction training session. See ITaP's training site for the next available training session.

Ordering information:
To order eInstruction CPSrf response pads, contact one of the local bookstores. The ISBN for the response pads is 978-1881483-717. The bookstore can order the pads by faxing a purchase order to 940-565-0959.

Blackboard Vista Response Pad Registration:
You can make eInstruction response pad registration available to your students through your Blackboard Vista course. For more information, see Adding the CPS Online Tool to a Vista Section to use eInstruction.

If you have technical problems with the eInstruction system, or would like more information, please contact the ITaP Customer Service Center at 494-4000 or by sending email to itap@purdue.edu.