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Departmental Computing Labs & Technology in the Classroom (TIC) workstations

As a service to University departments, ITaP can provide computer equipment and support for a designated departmental computer lab or a Technology in the Classroom (TIC) workstation for a departmental classroom, for an annual per computer fee.

About Departmental Computing Labs

ITaP can provide computer equipment, software installation, and ongoing technical support for a departmental lab. We can provide as few or as many computers as your suitable space can accommodate.

Supported departmental lab computers supply the same extensive software suite found on ITaP instructional lab computers. They provide a secure work environment that can be accessed with a Purdue career account login and password. ITaP installs and maintains a standard image and software suite on these computers as part of the service. Other software can be installed at the request of your department. Software updates are typically done overnight so as not to interfere with scheduled courses and academic events.

Also part of the service are ITaP's maintenance responsibilities, which include remote monitoring to insure the continuous operation of the computers and network, updating the hard drives every 24 hours, paying the annually recurring network access charge (PIC), and replacing computer hardware on a 3-year replacement cycle.

Departments may purchase machines from ITaP or may purchase identical machines to what ITaP uses. Contact ITaP for machine information specifics. Departmental lab equipment and support details are outlined in a service level agreement with ITaP, which is reviewed annually.

About Technology in the Classroom (TIC) workstations:

If you have a departmental classroom and want to add a Technology in the Classroom (TIC) workstation, ITaP can provide computer equipment and support. The installation of sound and projection equipment can also be arranged.

For TIC sites, our responsibilities also include supporting eInstruction receivers and Gyration wireless mice cradles, receivers, and chargers.

Departmental Computing Lab & TIC Workstation Availability

University departments with space suitable for computer installation can request this service.

Getting Started with Departmental Computing Labs

For detailed information about this service, contact TLT by email at classroom-mgr@purdue.edu.